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Fiona Apple|When The Pawn...

When The Pawn... Fiona Apple

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Fiona Apple may have been grouped in with the other female singer/songwriters who dominated the pop charts in 1996 and 1997, but she stood out by virtue of her grand ambitions and considerable musical sophistication. Even though her 1996 debut Tidal occasionally was hampered by naiveté, it showcased a gifted young artist in the process of finding her voice. Even so, the artistic leap between Tidal and its long-awaited 1999 sequel When the Pawn Hits... is startling. It's evident that not only have Apple's ambitions grown, so has her confidence -- few artists would open themselves up to the ridicule that comes with having a 90-word poem function as the full title, but that captures the fearless feeling of the record. Apple doesn't break from the jazzy pop of Tidal on Pawn, choosing instead to refine her sound and then expand its horizons. Although there are echoes of everything from Nina Simone to Aimee Mann on the record, it's not easy to spot specific influences, because this is truly an individual work. As a songwriter, she balances her words and melodies skillfully, no longer sounding self-conscious as she crafts highly personal, slightly cryptic songs that never sound precocious or insular. With producer Jon Brion, she created the ideal arrangements for these idiosyncratic songs, finding a multi-layered sound that's simultaneously elegant and carnival-esque. As a result, Pawn is immediately grabbing, and instead of fading upon further plays, it reveals more with each listen, whether it's a lyrical turn of phrase or an unexpected twist in the arrangement; what's more, Apple has made it as rich emotionally as it is musically. That's quite a feat for any album, but it's doubly impressive since it is only the second effort by a musician who is only 22 years old.

© Stephen Thomas Erlewine /TiVo

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When The Pawn...

Fiona Apple

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On The Bound (Album Version)

Fiona Apple, Vocal - Fiona Apple, Composer - Fiona Apple, Lyricist - Fiona Apple, Piano - Fiona Apple, Performer - Michael Breaux, Woodwinds - Eddy Schreyer, Mastering Engineer - Jon Brion, Producer - Jon Brion, Mixing Engineer - Jon Brion, Recording Engineer - Matt Chamberlain, Percussion - Matt Chamberlain, Drums - Valerie Pack, Coordinator - Rob Brill, 2nd Engineer - John Tyree, 2nd Engineer - Tom Banghart, 2nd Engineer - Greg Collins, 2nd Engineer - Steve Mixdorf, 2nd Engineer - Rich Costey, Recording Engineer - Rich Costey, Mixing Engineer - Rich Costey, Programmer

(P) 1999 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment

To Your Love (Album Version)

Fiona Apple, Vocal - Fiona Apple, Composer - Fiona Apple, Lyricist - Fiona Apple, Piano - Fiona Apple, Performer - Eddy Schreyer, Mastering Engineer - Butch Norton, Percussion - Butch Norton, Drums - Jon Brion, Producer - Jon Brion, Mixing Engineer - Jon Brion, Recording Engineer - Matt Chamberlain, Percussion - Matt Chamberlain, Drums - Valerie Pack, Coordinator - Rob Brill, 2nd Engineer - John Tyree, 2nd Engineer - Tom Banghart, 2nd Engineer - Greg Collins, 2nd Engineer - Steve Mixdorf, 2nd Engineer - Rich Costey, Recording Engineer - Rich Costey, Mixing Engineer - Rich Costey, Programmer

(P) 1999 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment

Limp (Album Version)

Fiona Apple, Vocal - Fiona Apple, Composer - Fiona Apple, Lyricist - Fiona Apple, Piano - Fiona Apple, Performer - Michael Breaux, Woodwinds - Eddy Schreyer, Mastering Engineer - Butch Norton, Percussion - Butch Norton, Drums - Jon Brion, Producer - Jon Brion, Mixing Engineer - Jon Brion, Recording Engineer - Matt Chamberlain, Percussion - Matt Chamberlain, Drums - Valerie Pack, Coordinator - Rob Brill, 2nd Engineer - John Tyree, 2nd Engineer - Tom Banghart, 2nd Engineer - Greg Collins, 2nd Engineer - Steve Mixdorf, 2nd Engineer - Rich Costey, Recording Engineer - Rich Costey, Mixing Engineer - Rich Costey, Programmer

(P) 1999 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment

Love Ridden (Album Version)

Tom Banghart, 2nd Engineer - Suzie Katayama, Acoustic Cello - Peter Kent, Violin - Matt Chamberlain, Percussion - Matt Chamberlain, Drums - John Tyree, 2nd Engineer - Scott Haupert, Viola - John Bainbridge, Arranger - John Bainbridge, Orchestrator - Daniel Smith, Acoustic Cello - Eddy Schreyer, Mastering Engineer - Jon Brion, Producer - Jon Brion, Mixing Engineer - Jon Brion, Recording Engineer - Gerardo Hilera, Violin - Steve Mixdorf, 2nd Engineer - Berj Garabedian, Violin - Robert Becker, Viola - Charlie Bisharat, Violin - Jean Martinelli, Horns - Wendell Kelly, Horns - Paula Hochalter, Acoustic Cello - Greg Collins, 2nd Engineer - Mike Elizondo, Bass - Susan Chatman, Violin - Edmund Stein, Violin - Robert Peterson, Violin - Eve Butler, Violin - Rob Brill, 2nd Engineer - Michele Richards, Violin - Paul Loredo, Horns - Randy Brion, Arranger - Brian Leonard, Violin - Larry Corbett, Acoustic Cello - Rich Costey, Mixing Engineer - Rich Costey, Recording Engineer - Rich Costey, Programmer - John Wittenberg, Violin - Valerie Pack, Coordinator - Fiona Apple, Vocal - Fiona Apple, Composer - Fiona Apple, Lyricist - Fiona Apple, Piano - Fiona Apple, Performer - Maria Newman, Viola - John Noreyko, Horns - Armen Garabedian, Violin - Denyse Buffum, Viola

(P) 1999 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment

Paper Bag (Album Version)

Fiona Apple, Vocal - Fiona Apple, Composer - Fiona Apple, Lyricist - Fiona Apple, Piano - Fiona Apple, Performer - Eddy Schreyer, Mastering Engineer - Jon Brion, Producer - Jon Brion, Mixing Engineer - Jon Brion, Recording Engineer - John Noreyko, Horns - Wendell Kelly, Horns - Matt Chamberlain, Percussion - Matt Chamberlain, Drums - Valerie Pack, Coordinator - Rob Brill, 2nd Engineer - John Tyree, 2nd Engineer - Paul Loredo, Horns - Jean Martinelli, Horns - Tom Banghart, 2nd Engineer - Greg Collins, 2nd Engineer - Steve Mixdorf, 2nd Engineer - Rich Costey, Recording Engineer - Rich Costey, Mixing Engineer - Rich Costey, Programmer

(P) 1999 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment

A Mistake (Album Version) Explicit

Fiona Apple, Vocal - Fiona Apple, Piano - Fiona Apple, Composer - Fiona Apple, Performer - Fiona Apple, Lyricist - Eddy Schreyer, Mastering Engineer - Jon Brion, Producer - Jon Brion, Mixing Engineer - Jon Brion, Recording Engineer - Valerie Pack, Coordinator - Rob Brill, 2nd Engineer - John Tyree, 2nd Engineer - Tom Banghart, 2nd Engineer - Greg Collins, 2nd Engineer - Steve Mixdorf, 2nd Engineer - Rich Costey, Recording Engineer - Rich Costey, Mixing Engineer - Rich Costey, Programmer

(P) 1999 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment

Fast As You Can (Album Version)

Fiona Apple, Vocal - Fiona Apple, Composer - Fiona Apple, Lyricist - Fiona Apple, Piano - Fiona Apple, Performer - Michael Breaux, Woodwinds - Eddy Schreyer, Mastering Engineer - Jon Brion, Producer - Jon Brion, Mixing Engineer - Jon Brion, Recording Engineer - Matt Chamberlain, Percussion - Matt Chamberlain, Drums - Valerie Pack, Coordinator - Rob Brill, 2nd Engineer - John Tyree, 2nd Engineer - Tom Banghart, 2nd Engineer - Greg Collins, 2nd Engineer - Steve Mixdorf, 2nd Engineer - Rich Costey, Recording Engineer - Rich Costey, Mixing Engineer - Rich Costey, Programmer

(P) 1999 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment

The Way Things Are (Album Version)

Fiona Apple, Vocal - Fiona Apple, Composer - Fiona Apple, Lyricist - Fiona Apple, Piano - Fiona Apple, Performer - Eddy Schreyer, Mastering Engineer - Jon Brion, Producer - Jon Brion, Performer - Jon Brion, Mixing Engineer - Jon Brion, Recording Engineer - Tom Biller, Guitar - Tom Biller, Synthesizer - Matt Chamberlain, Percussion - Matt Chamberlain, Drums - Valerie Pack, Coordinator - Rob Brill, 2nd Engineer - John Tyree, 2nd Engineer - Tom Banghart, 2nd Engineer - Greg Collins, 2nd Engineer - Steve Mixdorf, 2nd Engineer - Rich Costey, Recording Engineer - Rich Costey, Mixing Engineer - Rich Costey, Programmer

(P) 1999 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment

Get Gone (Album Version) Explicit

Armen Garabedian, Violin - Michele Richards, Violin - Scott Haupert, Viola - Maria Newman, Viola - Gerardo Hilera, Violin - Matt Chamberlain, Percussion - Matt Chamberlain, Drums - Eddy Schreyer, Mastering Engineer - John Tyree, 2nd Engineer - Suzie Katayama, Acoustic Cello - Jon Brion, Producer - Jon Brion, Mixing Engineer - Jon Brion, Recording Engineer - Rob Brill, 2nd Engineer - Eve Butler, Violin - Paula Hochalter, Acoustic Cello - Robert Peterson, Violin - Larry Corbett, Acoustic Cello - Randy Brion, Arranger - Tom Banghart, 2nd Engineer - Rich Costey, Mixing Engineer - Rich Costey, Recording Engineer - Rich Costey, Programmer - John Wittenberg, Violin - Valerie Pack, Coordinator - Greg Collins, 2nd Engineer - Robert Becker, Viola - Mike Elizondo, Bass - Berj Garabedian, Violin - Brian Leonard, Violin - Fiona Apple, Vocal - Fiona Apple, Composer - Fiona Apple, Lyricist - Fiona Apple, Piano - Fiona Apple, Performer - Steve Mixdorf, 2nd Engineer - Charlie Bisharat, Violin - Susan Chatman, Violin - John Bainbridge, Orchestrator - Peter Kent, Violin - Daniel Smith, Acoustic Cello - Edmund Stein, Violin - Denyse Buffum, Viola

(P) 1999 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment

I Know (Album Version)

Armen Garabedian, Violin - Michele Richards, Violin - Scott Haupert, Viola - Maria Newman, Viola - Gerardo Hilera, Violin - Eddy Schreyer, Mastering Engineer - John Tyree, 2nd Engineer - Suzie Katayama, Acoustic Cello - Jon Brion, Producer - Jon Brion, Mixing Engineer - Jon Brion, Recording Engineer - Rob Brill, 2nd Engineer - Eve Butler, Violin - Paula Hochalter, Acoustic Cello - Robert Peterson, Violin - Larry Corbett, Acoustic Cello - Randy Brion, Arranger - Tom Banghart, 2nd Engineer - Rich Costey, Mixing Engineer - Rich Costey, Recording Engineer - Rich Costey, Programmer - John Wittenberg, Violin - Valerie Pack, Coordinator - Jim Keltner, Drums - Greg Collins, 2nd Engineer - Robert Becker, Viola - Mike Elizondo, Bass - Berj Garabedian, Violin - Brian Leonard, Violin - Greg Cohen, Acoustic Bass - Fiona Apple, Vocal - Fiona Apple, Composer - Fiona Apple, Lyricist - Fiona Apple, Piano - Fiona Apple, Performer - Steve Mixdorf, 2nd Engineer - Charlie Bisharat, Violin - Susan Chatman, Violin - John Bainbridge, Orchestrator - Peter Kent, Violin - Daniel Smith, Acoustic Cello - Edmund Stein, Violin - Denyse Buffum, Viola

(P) 1999 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment

Album review

Fiona Apple may have been grouped in with the other female singer/songwriters who dominated the pop charts in 1996 and 1997, but she stood out by virtue of her grand ambitions and considerable musical sophistication. Even though her 1996 debut Tidal occasionally was hampered by naiveté, it showcased a gifted young artist in the process of finding her voice. Even so, the artistic leap between Tidal and its long-awaited 1999 sequel When the Pawn Hits... is startling. It's evident that not only have Apple's ambitions grown, so has her confidence -- few artists would open themselves up to the ridicule that comes with having a 90-word poem function as the full title, but that captures the fearless feeling of the record. Apple doesn't break from the jazzy pop of Tidal on Pawn, choosing instead to refine her sound and then expand its horizons. Although there are echoes of everything from Nina Simone to Aimee Mann on the record, it's not easy to spot specific influences, because this is truly an individual work. As a songwriter, she balances her words and melodies skillfully, no longer sounding self-conscious as she crafts highly personal, slightly cryptic songs that never sound precocious or insular. With producer Jon Brion, she created the ideal arrangements for these idiosyncratic songs, finding a multi-layered sound that's simultaneously elegant and carnival-esque. As a result, Pawn is immediately grabbing, and instead of fading upon further plays, it reveals more with each listen, whether it's a lyrical turn of phrase or an unexpected twist in the arrangement; what's more, Apple has made it as rich emotionally as it is musically. That's quite a feat for any album, but it's doubly impressive since it is only the second effort by a musician who is only 22 years old.

© Stephen Thomas Erlewine /TiVo

About the album

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