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Despite a short discography of only five albums in 25 years, each of Fiona Apple’s releases has been an enormous, long-reverberating swell of vulnerability and fortitude. Through her classical training on piano, she discovered the jazz music that would influence her singing, and began composing her own songs at an early age. The singer-songwriter’s pretern...
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Dave Way, Mixing Engineer - Tom Biller, Engineer - Jon Brion, Producer - Jon Brion, Marimba - Jon Brion, Orchestrator - Fiona Apple, Composer - Fiona Apple, Performer - Fiona Apple, Lyricist
(P) 2005 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Margaret Cho, MainArtist - Da Funky Doo Doo Collective (ASCAP) and One Big Love Music/Almo Music Corp (ASCAP), MusicPublisher - Margaret Cho and Patty Griffin, Composer
2010 Margaret Cho, Tegan & Sara 2010 Da Funky Doo Doo Collective (ASCAP) and One Big Love Music/Almo Music Corp (ASCAP)
Fiona Apple, Associated Performer, Composer, Lyricist, Main Artist - Andrew Slater, Producer - Rob Laufer, Guitar - Claude Achille, Engineer - Matt Chamberlain, Drums - Brian Scheubel, Engineer - Patrick Warren, Piano - JIM WIRT, Engineer - NIKO BOLAS, Engineer - Troy Gonzales, Assistant Engineer - Dan Rothchild, Bass - Al Sanderson, Assistant Engineer - Tom Banghart, Assistant Engineer - Ted Jensen, Mastering Engineer - Mark Endert, Recording Engineer
(P) 1996 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Fiona Apple, Composer - Fiona Apple, Lyricist - Fiona Apple, Piano - Fiona Apple, Performer - Jebin Bruni, Keyboards - Glenn Berger, Flute - Dave Way, Mixing Engineer - Zac Rae, Keyboards - Brian Kehew, Co-Producer - Brian Gardner, Mastering Engineer - Mike Elizondo, Producer - Adam Hawkins, Recording Engineer - Abe Laboriel, Jr., Drums
(P) 2005 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Fiona Apple, Associated Performer, Composer, Lyricist, Main Artist, Associated Performer, Composer, Lyricist
(P) 1999 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Fiona Apple, Composer, Lyricist, Producer, Drums, Piano, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer, Vocal - Sebastian Steinberg, Producer, Drums, Bass - DAVE WAY, Mixing Engineer - Bob Ludwig, Mastering Engineer - David Garza, Producer - Amy Aileen Wood, Producer, Drums, Recording Engineer - John Would, Recording Engineer
(P) 2020 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Fiona Apple, Composer, Lyricist, Producer, Percussion, Piano, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer, Background Vocal, Vocal - Sebastian Steinberg, Producer, Percussion, Bass - Bob Ludwig, Mastering Engineer - Tchad Blake, Mixing Engineer - David Garza, Producer - Amy Aileen Wood, Producer, Drums, Percussion, Recording Engineer - Bobb Bruno, AssociatedPerformer - John Would, Recording Engineer
(P) 2020 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Fiona Apple, Associated Performer, Composer, Lyricist, Main Artist, Producer, Associated Performer, Composer, Lyricist, Producer - Sebastian Steinberg, Acoustic Bass, Guitar - Feedy, Percussion - Seedy, Percussion - Charley Drayton, Producer - John Would, Recording Engineer - Edison Sainsbury, Recording Engineer - DAVE WAY, Mixing Engineer - Howie Weinberg, Mastering Engineer - Dan Gerbarg, Mastering Engineer
(P) 2012 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Fiona Apple, Associated Performer, Composer, Lyricist, Main Artist, Producer, Associated Performer, Composer, Lyricist, Producer - Sebastian Steinberg, Acoustic Bass, Guitar - Maude Maggart - Feedy, Percussion - Seedy, Percussion - Charley Drayton, Producer - John Would, Recording Engineer - Edison Sainsbury, Recording Engineer - DAVE WAY, Mixing Engineer - Howie Weinberg, Mastering Engineer - Dan Gerbarg, Mastering Engineer
(P) 2012 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Fiona Apple, Vocal - Fiona Apple, Composer - Fiona Apple, Lyricist - Fiona Apple, Piano - Fiona Apple, Performer - Michael Breaux, Woodwinds - Eddy Schreyer, Mastering Engineer - Jon Brion, Producer - Jon Brion, Mixing Engineer - Jon Brion, Recording Engineer - Matt Chamberlain, Percussion - Matt Chamberlain, Drums - Valerie Pack, Coordinator - Rob Brill, 2nd Engineer - John Tyree, 2nd Engineer - Tom Banghart, 2nd Engineer - Greg Collins, 2nd Engineer - Steve Mixdorf, 2nd Engineer - Rich Costey, Recording Engineer - Rich Costey, Mixing Engineer - Rich Costey, Programmer
(P) 1999 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Fiona Apple, Composer, Lyricist, Producer, Drums, Percussion, Recording Engineer, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer, Background Vocal, Vocal - Sebastian Steinberg, Producer, Bass - Bob Ludwig, Mastering Engineer - Leo, AssociatedPerformer - Tchad Blake, Mixing Engineer - David Garza, Producer - Mercy, AssociatedPerformer - Alfie, AssociatedPerformer - Amy Aileen Wood, Producer, Drums, Recording Engineer - Maddie, AssociatedPerformer - Cara Delevingne, Background Vocal
(P) 2020 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Fiona Apple, Associated Performer, Composer, Lyricist, Main Artist, Piano - Andrew Slater, Producer - Jon Brion, Guitar, Marimba, Piano, Vibraphone - Claude Achille, Engineer - Matt Chamberlain, Drums, Percussion - Brian Scheubel, Engineer - JIM WIRT, Engineer - NIKO BOLAS, Engineer - Troy Gonzales, Assistant Engineer - Al Sanderson, Assistant Engineer - Tom Banghart, Assistant Engineer - Ted Jensen, Mastering Engineer - Sara Lee, Bass - Mark Endert, Recording Engineer - George Black, Drum Programmer
(P) 1996 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Fiona Apple, Composer - Fiona Apple, Lyricist - Fiona Apple, Piano - Fiona Apple, Performer - George Thatcher, Trombone - Glenn Berger, Saxophone - Dave Way, Mixing Engineer - Brian Kehew, Guitar - Brian Kehew, Co-Producer - Brian Kehew, Keyboards - John Daversa, Arranger - John Daversa, Trumpet - Mike Elizondo, Producer - Mike Elizondo, Engineer - Mike Elizondo, Bass - Adam Hawkins, Engineer - Abe Laboriel, Jr., Percussion - Abe Laboriel, Jr., Drums
(P) 2005 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Fiona Apple, MainArtist
(C) 2011 Notable Music Co. Inc. (P) 2011 Notable Music Co. Inc.
Fiona Apple, MainArtist - Buddy Holly, ComposerLyricist - Norman Petty, ComposerLyricist - JON BRION, MainArtist
℗ 2011 MPL Communications Inc. and Concord Music Group, Inc.
Felice Bryant, Writer - Fiona Apple, FeaturedArtist - Boudleaux Bryant, Writer - Sara Watkins, MainArtist - Blake Mills, Producer
© 2012 Nonesuch Records for the United States and WEA International Inc. for the world outside of the United States. ℗ 2012 Nonesuch
Ahmir "?uestlove" Thompson, Drums - Dave Way, Mixing Engineer - Keefus Ciancia, Bass - Mike Elizondo, Producer - Mike Elizondo, Engineer - Adam Hawkins, Engineer - Fiona Apple, Composer - Fiona Apple, Piano - Fiona Apple, Lyricist - Fiona Apple, Performer - Brian Kehew, Co-Producer
(P) 2005 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Fiona Apple, Performer - P. Mayfield, Composer - P. Mayfield, Lyricist - Andrew Slater, Producer
Fiona Apple, MainArtist
(C) 2011 Notable Music Co. Inc. (P) 2011 Notable Music Co. Inc.
Fiona Apple, Associated Performer, Composer, Lyricist, Main Artist, Piano - Andrew Slater, Producer - F. Apple, Composer, Lyricist - Jon Brion, Guitar, Piano, Vibraphone - Claude Achille, Engineer - Matt Chamberlain, Drums, Percussion - Brian Scheubel, Engineer - JIM WIRT, Engineer - NIKO BOLAS, Engineer - Troy Gonzales, Assistant Engineer - Al Sanderson, Assistant Engineer - Tom Banghart, Assistant Engineer - Ted Jensen, Mastering Engineer - Dan Rothchild, Bass - Mark Endert, Recording Engineer
(P) 1996 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Fiona Apple, Associated Performer, Composer, Lyricist, Main Artist, Producer, Associated Performer, Composer, Lyricist, Producer - Sebastian Steinberg, Acoustic Bass, Guitar - Feedy, Percussion - Seedy, Percussion - Charley Drayton, Producer - John Would, Recording Engineer - Edison Sainsbury, Recording Engineer - DAVE WAY, Mixing Engineer - Howie Weinberg, Mastering Engineer - Dan Gerbarg, Mastering Engineer
(P) 2012 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Ahmir "?uestlove" Thompson, Drums - Dave Way, Mixing Engineer - Keefus Ciancia, Bass - Mike Elizondo, Producer - Mike Elizondo, Engineer - Adam Hawkins, Engineer - Fiona Apple, Composer - Fiona Apple, Piano - Fiona Apple, Lyricist - Fiona Apple, Performer - Brian Kehew, Co-Producer
(P) 2005 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Armen Garabedian, Violin - Michele Richards, Violin - Scott Haupert, Viola - Maria Newman, Viola - Gerardo Hilera, Violin - Eddy Schreyer, Mastering Engineer - John Tyree, 2nd Engineer - Suzie Katayama, Acoustic Cello - Jon Brion, Producer - Jon Brion, Mixing Engineer - Jon Brion, Recording Engineer - Rob Brill, 2nd Engineer - Eve Butler, Violin - Paula Hochalter, Acoustic Cello - Robert Peterson, Violin - Larry Corbett, Acoustic Cello - Randy Brion, Arranger - Tom Banghart, 2nd Engineer - Rich Costey, Mixing Engineer - Rich Costey, Recording Engineer - Rich Costey, Programmer - John Wittenberg, Violin - Valerie Pack, Coordinator - Jim Keltner, Drums - Greg Collins, 2nd Engineer - Robert Becker, Viola - Mike Elizondo, Bass - Berj Garabedian, Violin - Brian Leonard, Violin - Greg Cohen, Acoustic Bass - Fiona Apple, Vocal - Fiona Apple, Composer - Fiona Apple, Lyricist - Fiona Apple, Piano - Fiona Apple, Performer - Steve Mixdorf, 2nd Engineer - Charlie Bisharat, Violin - Susan Chatman, Violin - John Bainbridge, Orchestrator - Peter Kent, Violin - Daniel Smith, Acoustic Cello - Edmund Stein, Violin - Denyse Buffum, Viola
(P) 1999 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Fiona Apple, Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer - Johnny Cash, MainArtist - Rick Rubin, Producer - Paul Simon, ComposerLyricist - John Carter Cash, Producer, Associate Producer, Asst. Recording Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Andrew Scheps, Asst. Recording Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Mike Campbell, Acoustic Guitar, AssociatedPerformer - Thom Russo, Asst. Recording Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Smokey Hormel, Acoustic Guitar, AssociatedPerformer - Chuck Turner, Asst. Recording Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Roger Manning Jr., Keyboards, Piano, Mellotron, AssociatedPerformer - David Ferguson, Mixer, Recording Engineer, StudioPersonnel
℗ 2002 American Recordings, LLC
Fiona Apple, Associated Performer, Composer, Lyricist, Main Artist, Producer, Associated Performer, Composer, Lyricist, Producer - Sebastian Steinberg, Acoustic Bass, Guitar - Feedy, Percussion - Seedy, Percussion - Charley Drayton, Producer - John Would, Recording Engineer - Edison Sainsbury, Recording Engineer - DAVE WAY, Mixing Engineer - Howie Weinberg, Mastering Engineer - Dan Gerbarg, Mastering Engineer
(P) 2012 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Dave Way, Mixing Engineer - Mike Elizondo, Producer - Mike Elizondo, Engineer - Adam Hawkins, Engineer - Fiona Apple, Composer - Fiona Apple, Piano - Fiona Apple, Performer - Fiona Apple, Lyricist - Brian Kehew, Co-Producer
(P) 2005 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Fiona Apple, Associated Performer, Composer, Lyricist, Main Artist, Piano - Andrew Slater, Producer - Claude Achille, Engineer - Brian Scheubel, Engineer - Ralph Morrison, Violin - JIM WIRT, Engineer - Claudia Parducci, Violin - NIKO BOLAS, Engineer - Troy Gonzales, Assistant Engineer - Evan Wilson, Viola - Al Sanderson, Assistant Engineer - Larry Corbett, Cello - Tom Banghart, Assistant Engineer - Ted Jensen, Mastering Engineer - Mark Endert, Recording Engineer
(P) 1996 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Fiona Apple, Associated Performer, Main Artist, Piano - Andrew Slater, Producer - F. Apple, Composer, Lyricist - Matt Chamberlain, Drums - Claude Achille, Engineer - Jon Brion, Piano, Vibraphone - Brian Scheubel, Engineer - JIM WIRT, Engineer - NIKO BOLAS, Engineer - Troy Gonzales, Assistant Engineer - Al Sanderson, Assistant Engineer - Sara Lee, Bass - Tom Banghart, Assistant Engineer - Ted Jensen, Mastering Engineer - Mark Endert, Recording Engineer
(P) 1996 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Fiona Apple, Composer, Lyricist, Producer, Percussion, Piano, Recording Engineer, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer, Background Vocal, Vocal - Sebastian Steinberg, Producer, Guitar, Harp, Bass - Bob Ludwig, Mastering Engineer - Tchad Blake, Mixing Engineer - David Garza, Producer, Guitar, Piano, AssociatedPerformer - Amy Aileen Wood, Producer, Drums, Percussion, Recording Engineer, Loops - John Would, Piano, Recording Engineer
(P) 2020 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Fiona Apple, Performer - Jon Brion, Producer - John Lennon, Composer - John Lennon, Lyricist - Paul McCartney, Composer - Paul McCartney, Lyricist
(P) 1998 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Fiona Apple, Vocal - Fiona Apple, Composer - Fiona Apple, Lyricist - Fiona Apple, Piano - Fiona Apple, Performer - Michael Breaux, Woodwinds - Eddy Schreyer, Mastering Engineer - Butch Norton, Percussion - Butch Norton, Drums - Jon Brion, Producer - Jon Brion, Mixing Engineer - Jon Brion, Recording Engineer - Matt Chamberlain, Percussion - Matt Chamberlain, Drums - Valerie Pack, Coordinator - Rob Brill, 2nd Engineer - John Tyree, 2nd Engineer - Tom Banghart, 2nd Engineer - Greg Collins, 2nd Engineer - Steve Mixdorf, 2nd Engineer - Rich Costey, Recording Engineer - Rich Costey, Mixing Engineer - Rich Costey, Programmer
(P) 1999 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Fiona Apple, Vocal - Fiona Apple, Composer - Fiona Apple, Lyricist - Fiona Apple, Piano - Fiona Apple, Performer - Eddy Schreyer, Mastering Engineer - Jon Brion, Producer - Jon Brion, Mixing Engineer - Jon Brion, Recording Engineer - John Noreyko, Horns - Wendell Kelly, Horns - Matt Chamberlain, Percussion - Matt Chamberlain, Drums - Valerie Pack, Coordinator - Rob Brill, 2nd Engineer - John Tyree, 2nd Engineer - Paul Loredo, Horns - Jean Martinelli, Horns - Tom Banghart, 2nd Engineer - Greg Collins, 2nd Engineer - Steve Mixdorf, 2nd Engineer - Rich Costey, Recording Engineer - Rich Costey, Mixing Engineer - Rich Costey, Programmer
(P) 1999 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Fiona Apple, Associated Performer, Composer, Lyricist, Main Artist, Producer, Associated Performer, Composer, Lyricist, Producer - Sebastian Steinberg, Acoustic Bass, Guitar - Feedy, Percussion - Seedy, Percussion - Charley Drayton, Producer - John Would, Recording Engineer - Edison Sainsbury, Recording Engineer - DAVE WAY, Mixing Engineer - Howie Weinberg, Mastering Engineer - Dan Gerbarg, Mastering Engineer
(P) 2012 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Fiona Apple, Associated Performer, Composer, Lyricist, Main Artist, Piano - Andrew Slater, Producer - Danny Frankel, Drums - Claude Achille, Engineer - Jon Brion, Piano, Vibraphone - Brian Scheubel, Engineer - JIM WIRT, Engineer - NIKO BOLAS, Engineer - Troy Gonzales, Assistant Engineer - Al Sanderson, Assistant Engineer - Greg Richling, Bass - Tom Banghart, Assistant Engineer - Ted Jensen, Mastering Engineer - Mark Endert, Recording Engineer
(P) 1996 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Fiona Apple, Composer, Lyricist, Producer, Drums, Recording Engineer, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer, Background Vocal, Vocal - Sebastian Steinberg, Producer - Bob Ludwig, Mastering Engineer - Tchad Blake, Mixing Engineer - David Garza, Producer - Amy Aileen Wood, Producer
(P) 2020 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
About Playlist
Despite a short discography of only five albums in 25 years, each of Fiona Apple’s releases has been an enormous, long-reverberating swell of vulnerability and fortitude. Through her classical training on piano, she discovered the jazz music that would influence her singing, and began composing her own songs at an early age. The singer-songwriter’s preternatural talents were revealed to a wider audience with her acclaimed 1996 debut Tidal, when she was just 18. She became an icon for young women (and men) grappling with adulthood, her relatable authenticity revealed in moments like at the 1997 VMAs, where instead of an acceptance speech, she proclaimed, “The world is bullshit.” Apple’s public life was often messy (a series of high-profile relationships, strife with record label and press, eating disorder), but darkness, chaos and all, she’s always been able to transform it into something musically beautiful. Fetch the Bolt Cutters, Apple’s first album since 2012, was released in April, 2020.
Photo © Autumn De Wilde
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