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Céline Dion|The Colour Of My Love

The Colour Of My Love Céline Dion

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The Colour of My Love follows the same pattern as Celine Dion's eponymous breakthrough, and while the songs aren't quite as consistent this time around, the record is nevertheless quite successful, thanks to the careful production, professional songwriting (highlighted by "When I Fall in Love," "The Power of Love," and "Think Twice") and Dion's powerhouse performances.

© Stephen Thomas Erlewine /TiVo

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The Colour Of My Love

Céline Dion

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The Power of Love (Album Version)

David Foster, Producer - David Foster, Keyboards - David Foster, Arranger - Jennifer Rush, Composer - Jennifer Rush, Lyricist - Michael Thompson, Guitar - Humberto Gatica, Engineer - Humberto Gatica, Mixing Engineer - Vito Luprano, Executive Producer - Mary S. Applegate, Composer - Mary S. Applegate, Lyricist - Bill Leonard, 2nd Engineer - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - Céline Dion, Performer - Eric Baron, 2nd Engineer - David Reitzas, Engineer - Fred Kelly, 2nd Engineer - Candy Derouge, Composer - Candy Derouge, Lyricist - John Doelp, Executive Producer - Gunther Mende, Composer - Gunther Mende, Lyricist -

(P) 1993 SM Music (Canada) Corp.

Misled (Album Version)

Jimmy Greco, Drums - Tom Yezzi, Engineer - Vito Luprano, Executive Producer - Bob Cadway, Engineer - David Scheuer, 2nd Engineer - Rich Tancredi, Keyboards - Rich Tancredi, Arranger - Céline Dion, Performer - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - J. Bralower, Composer - J. Bralower, Lyricist - Dan Hetzel, Engineer - Peter Zizzo, Background Vocal - Peter Zizzo, Guitar - Rick Kerr, Mixing Engineer - John Doelp, Executive Producer - Ric Wake, Producer - Ric Wake, Arranger - P. Zizzo, Composer - P. Zizzo, Lyricist - David Barratt, Coordinator - Maria Christensen, Background Vocal - Terry Taylor, Background Vocal -

(P) 1992 SM Music (Canada) Corp.

Think Twice

Céline Dion, Performer - Andy Hill, Composer - Andy Hill, Lyricist - Christopher Neil, Producer - Peter Sinfield, Composer - Peter Sinfield, Lyricist -

1993 Sony Music Entertainment (Canada) Inc.

Only One Road (Album Version)

David Scheuer, 2nd Engineer - Dan Hetzel, Engineer - Steve Peck, Mixing Engineer - P. Zizzo, Composer - P. Zizzo, Lyricist - Rich Tancredi, Keyboards - Rich Tancredi, Arranger - Jimmy Bralower, Drums - L. Leon Pendarvis, Arranger - Céline Dion, Performer - Tom Yezzi, Engineer - Ric Wake, Producer - Ric Wake, Arranger - Bob Cadway, Engineer -

(P) 1993 Sony Music Entertainment (Canada) Inc.

Everybody's Talkin' My Baby Down (Album Version)

Tom Yezzi, Engineer - Vito Luprano, Executive Producer - A. Roman, Composer - A. Roman, Lyricist - Rick Wake, Arranger - Kennie Bobien, Background Vocal - Bob Cadway, Engineer - David Scheuer, 2nd Engineer - Rich Tancredi, Keyboards - Rich Tancredi, Arranger - R. Desalvo, Composer - R. Desalvo, Lyricist - Russ DeSalvo, Keyboards - Céline Dion, Performer - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - Eddie Stockley, Background Vocal - Dan Hetzel, Engineer - Jimmy Bralower, Drums - Rick Kerr, Mixing Engineer - John Doelp, Executive Producer - David Shackney, 2nd Engineer - Earl Robinson, Background Vocal - Ric Wake, Producer - Lajuan Carter, Background Vocal - David Barratt, Coordinator -

(P) 1992 SM Music (Canada) Corp.

Next Plane Out (Album Version)

Lenny Castro, Percussion - Larry Jacobs, Background Vocal - Frank Wolf, Engineer - Mario Luccy, Engineer - Mario Luccy, 2nd Engineer - Vito Luprano, Executive Producer - David Eike, 2nd Engineer - Bob Mann, Guitar - Michael Thompson, Guitar - Pauline Wilson, Background Vocal - Marnie Riley, 2nd Engineer - Guy Roche, Producer - Guy Roche, Engineer - Guy Roche, Drums - Jean McClain, Background Vocal - Céline Dion, Performer - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - Brian Malouf, Mixing Engineer - Ken Allardyce, Engineer - John Doelp, Executive Producer - Erik Zobler, Engineer - John Pierce, Bass - Diane Warren, Composer - Diane Warren, Lyricist -

(P) 1992 SM Music (Canada) Corp.

Real Emotion (Album Version)

David Barrat, Coordinator - Tom Yezzi, Engineer - Vito Luprano, Executive Producer - Rick Wake, Arranger - Kennie Bobien, Background Vocal - Bob Cadway, Guitar - David Scheuer, 2nd Engineer - Rich Tancredi, Arranger - Rich Tancredi, Keyboards - Céline Dion, Performer - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - Eddie Stockley, Background Vocal - Dan Hetzel, Engineer - Jimmy Bralower, Drums - Rick Kerr, Mixing Engineer - John Doelp, Executive Producer - Earl Robinson, Background Vocal - Ric Wake, Producer - Diane Warren, Composer - Diane Warren, Lyricist -

(P) 1992 SM Music (Canada) Corp.

When I Fall In Love (from the TriStar film, Sleepless In Seattle)

Jeremy Lubbock, Conductor - Victor Young, Composer - Victor Young, Lyricist - Edward Heyman, Composer - Edward Heyman, Lyricist - Céline Dion, Performer - Steve Berkowitz, Executive Producer - Jeffrey Peisch, Producer - Jeff Jones, Executive Producer -

(P) 1993 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.

Love Doesn't Ask Why (Album Version)

Vito Luprano, Executive Producer - B. MANN, Composer - B. MANN, Lyricist - P. Galdston, Composer - P. Galdston, Lyricist - Ren Klyce, Engineer - Skyler Jett, Background Vocal - Michael Thompson, Electric Guitar - Sandy Griffin, Background Vocal - Dana Jon Chappelle, Engineer - Dana Jon Chappelle, Mixing Engineer - Claytoven Richardson, Background Vocal - Jeanie Tracy, Background Vocal - C. Weil, Composer - C. Weil, Lyricist - Céline Dion, Performer - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - Craig Silver, Engineer - Walter Afanasieff, Producer - Walter Afanasieff, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - Walter Afanasieff, Arranger - Walter Afanasieff, Keyboards - Walter Afanasieff, Drum Programmer - Walter Afanasieff, Synthesizer - Kent Matcke, Engineer - John Doelp, Executive Producer - Gary Cirimelli, Background Vocal - Kitty Beethovan, Background Vocal - Jen Monnar, Engineer -

(P) 1992 SM Music (Canada) Corp.

Refuse To Dance (Album Version)

Steve Piggot, Drums - Steve Piggot, Bass - Tim Renwick, Guitar - Vito Luprano, Executive Producer - Charlie Dore, Background Vocal - D. Schogger, Composer - D. Schogger, Lyricist - Christopher Neil, Producer - Paul Mortimer, 2nd Engineer - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - Céline Dion, Vocal - Céline Dion, Background Vocal - Céline Dion, Performer - Keith Cohen, Mixing Engineer - Simon Hurrell, Engineer - Simon Pressey, 2nd Engineer - Andre Proulx, Violin - John Doelp, Executive Producer - C. Dore, Composer - C. Dore, Lyricist -

(P) 1992 SM Music (Canada) Corp.

I Remember L.A. (Album Version)

Steve Piggot, Drums - Steve Piggot, Bass - R. Wold, Composer - R. Wold, Lyricist - Vito Luprano, Executive Producer - Christopher Neil, Producer - Paul Mortimer, 2nd Engineer - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - Céline Dion, Performer - Keith Cohen, Mixing Engineer - Simon Hurrell, Engineer - Aldo Nova, Guitar - Simon Pressey, 2nd Engineer - T. Colton, Composer - T. Colton, Lyricist - John Doelp, Executive Producer -

(P) 1992 SM Music (Canada) Corp.

No Living Without Loving You (Album Version)

Lenny Castro, Percussion - Larry Jacobs, Background Vocal - Frank Wolf, Engineer - Mario Luccy, Arranger - Mario Luccy, 2nd Engineer - Vito Luprano, Executive Producer - David Eike, 2nd Engineer - Bob Mann, Guitar - Michael Thompson, Guitar - Pauline Wilson, Background Vocal - Marnie Riley, 2nd Engineer - Guy Roche, Producer - Guy Roche, Engineer - Guy Roche, Drums - Jean McClain, Background Vocal - Céline Dion, Performer - Eric Flickinger, 2nd Engineer - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - Brian Malouf, Mixing Engineer - Ken Allardyce, Engineer - John Doelp, Executive Producer - Erik Zobler, Engineer - Diane Warren, Composer - Diane Warren, Lyricist -

(P) 1992 SM Music (Canada) Corp.

Lovin' Proof (Album Version)

Rick Kerr, Mixing Engineer - Dan Hetzel, Engineer - Kenny Bobien, Background Vocal - Mark Wood, Arranger - Vito Luprano, Executive Producer - David Barratt, Coordinator - Rich Tancredi, Arranger - Rich Tancredi, Keyboards - Jimmy Bralower, Drums - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - Céline Dion, Performer - Tom Yezzi, Engineer - Ric Wake, Producer - Ric Wake, Arranger - Bob Cadway, Guitar - Bob Cadway, Engineer - Diane Warren, Composer - Diane Warren, Lyricist - John Doelp, Executive Producer - Eddie Stockley, Background Vocal - Earl Robinson, Background Vocal -

(P) 1992 SM Music (Canada) Corp.

Just Walk Away (Bonus Track)

Steve Lindsey, Producer - Robbie Thompson, Piano - Paulinho Da Costa, Percussion - Randy Wine, 2nd Engineer - David Campbell, Arranger - David Campbell, Conductor - Dean Parks, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - Mark Guilbeault, 2nd Engineer - Vito Luprano, Executive Producer - Claude Gaudette, Keyboards - Michael Thompson, Electric Guitar - Humberto Gatica, Producer - Humberto Gatica, Mixing Engineer - M. Sharron, Composer - M. Sharron, Lyricist - Alex Reed, 2nd Engineer - John Robinson, Drums - A. Hammond, Composer - A. Hammond, Lyricist - Céline Dion, Performer - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - Jim Champagne, 2nd Engineer - John Doelp, Executive Producer - Julie Larson, Coordinator - Tim Pierce, Electric Guitar - Neil Stubenhaus, Bass -

(P) 1993 Sony Music Entertainment (Canada) Inc.

The Colour Of My Love (Album Version)

Vito Luprano, Executive Producer - David Foster, Composer - David Foster, Producer - David Foster, Piano - David Foster, Lyricist - David Foster, Arranger - Arthur Janov, Composer - Arthur Janov, Lyricist - Humberto Gatica, Engineer - Humberto Gatica, Mixing Engineer - Bill Ross, Arranger - Brian Pollack, 2nd Engineer - Mike Fisher, Percussion - Vlado Meller, Mastering Engineer - Céline Dion, Performer - Mike Reiter, 2nd Engineer - Craig Brock, 2nd Engineer - Felipe Elgueta, Engineer - John Doelp, Executive Producer - Dean Parks, Guitar -

(P) 1992 SM Music (Canada) Corp.

Album review

The Colour of My Love follows the same pattern as Celine Dion's eponymous breakthrough, and while the songs aren't quite as consistent this time around, the record is nevertheless quite successful, thanks to the careful production, professional songwriting (highlighted by "When I Fall in Love," "The Power of Love," and "Think Twice") and Dion's powerhouse performances.

© Stephen Thomas Erlewine /TiVo

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