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Domino Recording Co

In 1997 Domino released Pavement's landmark commercial breakthrough Brighten The Corners which was followed a year later by Elliot Smith's Either/Or  and in 1999 the debut album by Will Oldham as Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - I See Darkness: a series of albums that confirmed the label's reputation as the preeminent European home of American music. Bell's desire to work with British bands as innovative and singular as his American artists reached fruition in the late nineties with the signings of Four Tet, Clinic, James Yorkston and The Kills
All were acts with a distinct identity that established Domino as a label interested in creativity rather than in any particular sound or style. Towards the end of its first decade the label became synonymous with this new set of artists who provided a catalogue for Domino's newly opened New York office to release into the American market. 20 years later, Domino remains a wholly independent label, synonymous with unique musical projects and above all, quality.


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