Electronic seen in the Media
White Roses, My God Alan Sparhawk Uncut: Album of the Month
TIMELESS Kaytranada 4F de Télérama
Breathe… Godspeed Verraco Pitchfork: Best New Music
BRAT Charli XCX Pitchfork: Best New Music
Hyperdrama Justice 4F de Télérama
Nonetheless Pet Shop Boys 4F de Télérama
Madres Sofia Kourtesis Pitchfork: Best New Music
Changing Channels Pangaea Pitchfork: Best New Music
Does It Look Like I'm Here? Emeralds Pitchfork: Best New Reissue
i've seen a way Mandy, Indiana Pitchfork: Best New Music
The Upper Cuts Alan Braxe Pitchfork: Best New Reissue
With A Hammer Yaeji Pitchfork: Best New Music
100% GALCHER Galcher Lustwerk Pitchfork: Best New Reissue
Maida Vale Sessions Broadcast Pitchfork: Best New Reissue
Topical Dancer Charlotte Adigéry Pitchfork: Best New Music
Space 1.8 Nala Sinephro Pitchfork: Best New Music
Inner Song Kelly Lee Owens 4F de Télérama
Pyramid Jaga Jazzist 4F de Télérama
Healing Is A Miracle Julianna Barwick Pitchfork: Best New Music
Heaven To A Tortured Mind Yves Tumor Pitchfork: Best New Music
Workaround Beatrice Dillon Pitchfork: Best New Music
BUBBA Kaytranada 4F de Télérama
Miss Anthropocene Grimes Pitchfork: Best New Music
Gratuitous Sax & Senseless Violins Sparks 4F de Télérama
Crush Floating Points Pitchfork: Best New Music
Supreme Talent Show Mc Waraba & Mélèké Tchatcho Songlines Five-star review
Sinner: KDJ-48 Moodymann Pitchfork: Best New Music
Sewing Machine Effects NOLA IS CALLING 4F de Télérama