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Peter Gabriel|i/o

i/o Peter Gabriel

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Peter Gabriel has been working on i/o—shorthand for input/output—for 20 years now, reworking and re-recording and workshopping songs on the road. The final result is a sprawling head trip: two albums of the same songs mixed differently by, Gabriel has said, "two of the world's best mix engineers." Spike Stent (Ed Sheeran, Björk, Madonna) handles the so-called "Bright Side" and Tchad Blake (Sheryl Crow, Fiona Apple, the Black Keys) is the "Dark Side." Comparing the two can feel like an Easter-egg hunt; choosing an overall favorite is hard and the best bet here may be to make a personal playlist combo.

Nowhere are the differences more clear, and interesting, than on "Road to Joy," a busy-orchestra treasure trove of quirky noise with a jubilant chorus. The bright version is a clear pop song, à la Gabriel's '80s output: David Rhodes' funk guitar is front and center and the horns are punchy. Blake's dark version is a weirder beast, casting the horns in a more strident role and leaning into the bass. The big, emotional title track—"Stuff coming out, stuff going in/ I'm just a part of everything"—also feels reminiscent of the singer's pop-glory days, as he hits the falsetto notes with a frenzy and the Soweto Gospel Choir adds a lush touch. Blake's "Dark Side" plays up the tumbling rhythm while Stent tweaks the strings to sound like sunburst. Sometimes, the difference is simple: bright "Olive Tree" is fuller and completely rounded; dark has more air and everything feels lower in the mix. For "The Court," Stent's version layers on extra percussion in the chorus, giving it an edgier feel, and Blake's has more solemnity. Both rely on a darkly moody orchestral arrangement to underscore the song's message of, Gabriel has said, "the struggle between order and chaos" in the justice system.

There is a running theme of connection on i/o; not just a longing for it in the world, but a true belief in its healing powers and possibility. Gabriel makes an argument for the good of everyone's cell phone being a witness on "Panopticom," which features muscular bass from Tony Levin and finds Brian Eno's spacey keyboards leavened by Katie May's warm acoustic guitar, particularly on the bright version. "In the air, the smoke cloud takes its form/ All the phones take pictures while it's warm/ Panopticom, let's find out what's going on," Gabriel sings of what he has described as the a call for the "creation of an infinitely expandable accessible data globe." There are more intimate moments, too, such as "Playing for Time," a Randy Newman-ish number exploring the blessing and curse of memory, and the stark but rich piano ballad "So Much." Gabriel, 73, sings of aging and mortality—and makes it clear he isn't done yet: "So much unfinished business/ All sticky with desire … As an old man, I was born/ But I've grown to be a baby/ With a halo and a horn." © Shelly Ridenour/Qobuz

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Peter Gabriel

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Panopticom (Bright Side Mix)

Richard Chappell, Pre-Production Recording Engineer - Peter Gabriel, Composer, Producer, Lead Vocals, Background Vocals, Synthesizer, MainArtist - Tony Levin, Bass - Brian Eno, Bells, Synthesizer - David Rhodes, Electric Guitar, Background Vocals - Manu Katche, Drums - Katie May, Engineer, Acoustic Guitar - Ríoghnach Connolly, Background Vocals - Oli Jacobs, Engineer, Additional Synthesizer

© 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. ℗ 2023 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Peter Gabriel Ltd

The Court (Bright-Side Mix)

Louisa Fuller, Violin - John Metcalfe, Conductor, Arranger - Richard Chappell, Programming - Richard George, Violin - Martin Burgess, Violin - Eliza Marshall, Flute - Fiona Bonds, Viola - Tracy Holloway, Tenor Trombone - Peter Gabriel, Composer, Producer, Arranger, Piano, Lead Vocals, Background Vocals, Synthesizer, Programming, MainArtist - Everton Nelson, Violin, Orchestra Leader - Ian Humphries, Violin - Chris Laurence, Double Bass - Richard Henry, Bass Trombone - Tony Levin, Bass - Peter Lale, Viola - Andy Wood, Tenor Trombone - Brian Eno, Percussion, Synthesizer - David Rhodes, Electric Guitar, Background Vocals - Manu Katche, Drums - Cathy Thompson, Violin - Bruce White, Viola - Stacey Watton, Double Bass - Lucy Shaw, Double Bass - Marianne Haynes, Violin - Rachel Roberts, Viola - Andrew Crowley, Trumpet - Dave Foster, Supervisor - Debbie Widdup, Violin - Natalia Bonner, Violin - Lucy Whalley, Orchestral Contractor - Charles Mutter, Violin - Katie May, Percussion - Susie Gillis, Orchestral Contractor - David Powell, Tuba - Melanie Gabriel, Background Vocals - Odile Ollagnon, Violin - Claire Hayes, Violin

© 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. ℗ 2023 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Peter Gabriel Ltd

Playing For Time (Bright-Side Mix)

Louisa Fuller, Violin - John Metcalfe, Conductor - Lewis Jones, Orchestral Engineer - Richard George, Violin - Martin Burgess, Violin - Tom Cawley, Piano - Fiona Bonds, Viola - Chris Worsey, Cello - Ian Burdge, Cello - Tracy Holloway, Tenor Trombone - Peter Gabriel, Composer, Producer, Lead Vocals, Background Vocals, Synthesizer, MainArtist - Everton Nelson, Violin, Orchestra Leader - Ian Humphries, Violin - Richard Henry, Bass Trombone - Ed Shearmur, Arranger - Tony Levin, Bass - Peter Lale, Viola - Andy Wood, Euphonium, Tenor Trombone - Manu Katche, Drums - Caroline Dale, Cello - Cathy Thompson, Violin - Bruce White, Viola - Chris Allan, Cello - Tchad Blake, Mixer - Marianne Haynes, Violin - Rachel Roberts, Viola - David Pyatt, French Horn - William Schofield, Cello - Matt Colton, Masterer - Dave Foster, Supervisor - Debbie Widdup, Violin - Natalia Bonner, Violin - Lucy Whalley, Orchestral Contractor - Tony Woollard, Cello - Charles Mutter, Violin - Richard Bissil, French Horn - Katie May, Engineer - Susie Gillis, Orchestral Contractor - David Powell, Tuba - Oli Jacobs, Engineer, Synthesizer - Odile Ollagnon, Violin - Claire Hayes, Violin - Tom Coath, Orchestral Engineer - Dom Shaw, AssistantEngineer - Faye Dolle, AssistantEngineer - Luie Stylianou, Orchestral Engineer

© 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. ℗ 2023 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Peter Gabriel Ltd

i/o (Bright-Side Mix)

Richard Chappell, PreProduction - Peter Gabriel, Composer, Producer, Piano, Lead Vocals, Background Vocals, Synthesizer, Programming, MainArtist - Mark 'Spike' Stent, Mixer - Tony Levin, Bass - David Rhodes, Guitar, Whistle - Manu Katche, Drums - Matt Colton, Masterer - Soweto Gospel Choir, Choir - Jacques Du plessis, VocalEngineer - Katie May, Engineer, Guitar, Percussion, Synthesizer - Oli Jacobs, Engineer, Synthesizer - Zanele Ngwenya, Alto Vocals - Dom Shaw, AssistantEngineer - Faye Dolle, AssistantEngineer - Linda Sambo, Soprano Vocals - Nobuhle Dhlamini, Soprano Vocals - Phello Jiyane, Soprano Vocals - Victoria Sithole, Soprano Vocals - Maserame Ndindwa, Alto Vocals - Phumla Nkhumeleni, Alto Vocals - Duduzile Ngomane, Alto Vocals - Thabang Mkhwanazi, Bass Vocals - Goodwill Modawu, Bass Vocals - Warren Mahlangu, Bass Vocals - Fanizile Nzuza, Bass Vocals - Bongani (Honey) Ncube, Vocal Director

© 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. ℗ 2023 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Peter Gabriel Ltd

Four Kinds of Horses (Bright-Side Mix)

Louisa Fuller, Violin - John Metcalfe, Conductor, Arranger - Lewis Jones, Orchestral Engineer - Richard George, Violin - Martin Burgess, Violin - Fiona Bonds, Viola - Chris Worsey, Cello - Ian Burdge, Cello - Tracy Holloway, Tenor Trombone - Peter Gabriel, Composer, Producer, Arranger, Percussion, Piano, Lead Vocals, Background Vocals, Synthesizer, Programming, MainArtist - Everton Nelson, Violin, Orchestra Leader - Ian Humphries, Violin - Chris Laurence, Double Bass - Richard Henry, Bass Trombone - Mark 'Spike' Stent, Mixer - Tony Levin, Bass - Peter Lale, Viola - Andy Wood, Tenor Trombone - Brian Eno, Additional Synthesizer - DICKIE CHAPPELL, Pre-Production Recording Engineer - David Rhodes, Guitar - Caroline Dale, Cello - Cathy Thompson, Violin - Bruce White, Viola - Chris Allan, Cello - Lucy Shaw, Double Bass - Marianne Haynes, Violin - Rachel Roberts, Viola - David Pyatt, French Horn - William Schofield, Cello - Matt Colton, Masterer - Dave Foster, Supervisor - Debbie Widdup, Violin - Richard Russell, Producer, Programming - Natalia Bonner, Violin - Lucy Whalley, Orchestral Contractor - Tony Woollard, Cello - Charles Mutter, Violin - Katie May, Engineer, Programming - Susie Gillis, Orchestral Contractor - David Powell, Tuba - Oli Jacobs, Engineer, Piano, Synthesizer, Programming - Melanie Gabriel, Background Vocals - Odile Ollagnon, Violin - Claire Hayes, Violin - Tom Coath, Orchestral Engineer - Dom Shaw, AssistantEngineer - Faye Dolle, AssistantEngineer - Luie Stylianou, Orchestral Engineer - Cornelia Parker, Performance - Stacy Watton, Double Bass

© 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. ℗ 2023 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Peter Gabriel Ltd

Road to Joy (Bright-Side Mix)

Louisa Fuller, Violin - John Metcalfe, Arranger, Orchestral Conductor - Lewis Jones, Orchestral Engineer - Richard Chappell, PreProduction - Richard George, Violin - Clare Hayes, Violin - Martin Burgess, Violin - Fiona Bonds, Viola - Chris Worsey, Cello - Ian Burdge, Cello - Peter Gabriel, Composer, Producer, Arranger, Piano, Lead Vocals, Background Vocals, Synthesizer, Programming, MainArtist - Everton Nelson, Violin, Orchestra Leader - Ian Humphries, Violin - Chris Laurence, Double Bass - Mark 'Spike' Stent, Mixer - Tony Levin, Bass - Peter Lale, Viola - Brian Eno, Producer, Guitar, Additional Synthesizer, Ukulele, Programming - David Rhodes, Electric Guitar, Background Vocals - Manu Katche, Drums - Caroline Dale, Cello - Cathy Thompson, Violin - Bruce White, Viola - Chris Allan, Cello - Lucy Shaw, Double Bass - Marianne Haynes, Violin - Hans-martin Buff, Additional Percussion, Additional Synthesizer, Programming - Rachel Roberts, Viola - William Schofield, Cello - Matt Colton, Masterer - Dave Foster, Music Supervisor - Soweto Gospel Choir, Choir - Debbie Widdup, Violin - Natalia Bonner, Violin - Don E, Bass Keyboards - Lucy Whalley, Contractor - Tony Woollard, Cello - Jacques Du plessis, VocalEngineer - Josh Shpak, Trumpet - Charles Mutter, Violin - Katie May, Engineer, Acoustic Guitar, Additional Synthesizer - Susie Gillis, Contractor - Oli Jacobs, Engineer - Odile Ollagnon, Violin - Vusimuzi Shabalala, Tenor Vocals - Zanele Ngwenya, Alto Vocals - Ai Weiwei, Performance - Victor Makhathini, Tenor Vocals - Tom Coath, Orchestral Engineer - Xolani Ntombela, Tenor Vocals - Dom Shaw, Engineer - Faye Dolle, AssistantEngineer - Luie Stylianou, Orchestral Engineer - Linda Sambo, Soprano Vocals - Nobuhle Dhlamini, Soprano Vocals - Phello Jiyane, Soprano Vocals - Victoria Sithole, Soprano Vocals - Maserame Ndindwa, Alto Vocals - Phumla Nkhumeleni, Alto Vocals - Duduzile Ngomane, Alto Vocals - George Kaudi, Tenor Vocals - Thabang Mkhwanazi, Bass Vocals - Goodwill Modawu, Bass Vocals - Warren Mahlangu, Bass Vocals - Fanizile Nzuza, Bass Vocals - Bongani (Honey) Ncube, Musical Director - Stacy Watton, Double Bass

© 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. ℗ 2023 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Peter Gabriel Ltd

So Much (Bright-Side Mix)

Louisa Fuller, Violin - John Metcalfe, Arranger, Orchestral Conductor - Lewis Jones, Orchestral Engineer - Richard Chappell, PreProduction - Richard George, Violin - Clare Hayes, Violin - Martin Burgess, Violin - Fiona Bonds, Viola - Chris Worsey, Cello - Ian Burdge, Cello - Tracy Holloway, Tenor Trombone - Peter Gabriel, Composer, Lyricist, Producer, Arranger, Piano, Lead Vocals, Background Vocals, Synthesizer, MainArtist - Everton Nelson, Violin, Orchestra Leader - Ian Humphries, Violin - Chris Laurence, Double Bass - Richard Henry, Bass Trombone - Mark 'Spike' Stent, Mixer - Tony Levin, Bass - Peter Lale, Viola - Andy Wood, Euphonium - David Rhodes, Electric Guitar, 12 String Guitar - Manu Katche, Drums - Caroline Dale, Cello - Cathy Thompson, Violin - Bruce White, Viola - Chris Allan, Cello - Lucy Shaw, Double Bass - Marianne Haynes, Violin - Rachel Roberts, Viola - David Pyatt, French Horn - Andrew Crowley, Trumpet - William Schofield, Cello - Matt Colton, Masterer - Dave Foster, Music Supervisor - Debbie Widdup, Violin - Natalia Bonner, Violin - Lucy Whalley, Contractor - Tony Woollard, Cello - Charles Mutter, Violin - Richard Bissil, French Horn - Katie May, Engineer - Susie Gillis, Contractor - David Powell, Tuba - Henry Hudson, Performance - Oli Jacobs, Engineer - Melanie Gabriel, Background Vocals - Odile Ollagnon, Violin - Tom Coath, Orchestral Engineer - Dom Shaw, AssistantEngineer - Faye Dolle, AssistantEngineer - Luie Stylianou, Orchestral Engineer - Stacy Watton, Double Bass

© 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. ℗ 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Peter Gabriel Ltd

Olive Tree (Bright-Side Mix)

Louisa Fuller, Violin - John Metcalfe, Arranger, Orchestral Conductor - Lewis Jones, Orchestral Engineer - Richard Chappell, Programming, PreProduction - Richard George, Violin - Clare Hayes, Violin - Martin Burgess, Violin - Fiona Bonds, Viola - Chris Worsey, Cello - Ian Burdge, Cello - Peter Gabriel, Composer, Producer, Arranger, Piano, Lead Vocals, Background Vocals, Synthesizer, Programming, MainArtist - Everton Nelson, Violin, Orchestra Leader - Ian Humphries, Violin - Chris Laurence, Double Bass - Richard Evans, Mandolin - Mark 'Spike' Stent, Mixer - Tony Levin, Bass - Peter Lale, Viola - David Rhodes, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, 12 String Guitar, Background Vocals - Manu Katche, Drums - Caroline Dale, Cello - Cathy Thompson, Violin - Bruce White, Viola - Chris Allan, Cello - Lucy Shaw, Double Bass - Marianne Haynes, Violin - Rachel Roberts, Viola - William Schofield, Cello - Ged Lynch, Percussion - Matt Colton, Masterer - Dave Foster, Music Supervisor - Debbie Widdup, Violin - Natalia Bonner, Violin - Lucy Whalley, Contractor - Tony Woollard, Cello - Josh Shpak, Trumpet - Charles Mutter, Violin - Katie May, Engineer - Susie Gillis, Contractor - Oli Jacobs, Engineer - Evan Smith, Saxophone - Odile Ollagnon, Violin - Tom Coath, Orchestral Engineer - Dom Shaw, AssistantEngineer - Faye Dolle, AssistantEngineer - Luie Stylianou, Orchestral Engineer - Stacy Watton, Double Bass - Barthélémy Toguo, Performance

© 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. ℗ 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Peter Gabriel Ltd

Love Can Heal (Bright-Side Mix)

Richard Chappell, PreProduction - Peter Gabriel, Composer, Producer, Percussion, Piano, Lead Vocals, Background Vocals, Synthesizer, MainArtist - Mark 'Spike' Stent, Mixer - Tony Levin, Bass - David Rhodes, Guitar - Ged Lynch, Percussion - Jennie Abrahamson, Background Vocals - Matt Colton, Masterer - Angie Pollock, Synthesizer - Linnea Olsson, Cello, Background Vocals - Katie May, Engineer, FX Guitar - Ríoghnach Connolly, Background Vocals - Oli Jacobs, Engineer - Melanie Gabriel, Background Vocals - Dom Shaw, AssistantEngineer - Faye Dolle, AssistantEngineer - Antony Micallef, Performance

© 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. ℗ 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Peter Gabriel Ltd

This Is Home (Bright-Side Mix)

Louisa Fuller, Violin - John Metcalfe, Arranger, Orchestral Conductor - Lewis Jones, Orchestral Engineer - Richard Chappell, PreProduction - Richard George, Violin - Clare Hayes, Violin - Martin Burgess, Violin - Fiona Bonds, Viola - Chris Worsey, Cello - Ian Burdge, Cello - Peter Gabriel, Composer, Producer, Arranger, Piano, Lead Vocals, Choir Arranger, Background Vocals, Synthesizer, Programming, MainArtist - Everton Nelson, Violin, Orchestra Leader - Ian Humphries, Violin - Chris Laurence, Double Bass - Mark 'Spike' Stent, Mixer - Tony Levin, Bass - Peter Lale, Viola - Brian Eno, Synthesizer - David Rhodes, Electric Guitar - Manu Katche, Drums - Caroline Dale, Cello - Cathy Thompson, Violin - Bruce White, Viola - Chris Allan, Cello - Lucy Shaw, Double Bass - Marianne Haynes, Violin - Rachel Roberts, Viola - David Pyatt, French Horn - William Schofield, Cello - Matt Colton, Masterer - Dave Foster, Music Supervisor - David Moreno, Performance - Debbie Widdup, Violin - Natalia Bonner, Violin - Lucy Whalley, Contractor - Tony Woollard, Cello - Charles Mutter, Violin - Katie May, Engineer, Percussion - Susie Gillis, Contractor - Ríoghnach Connolly, Background Vocals - Oli Jacobs, Engineer, Guitar, Tambourine, Synthesizer, Programming - Odile Ollagnon, Violin - Oli Middleton, Percussion - Tom Coath, Orchestral Engineer - Erland von Heijne, VocalEngineer - Dom Shaw, Choir Arranger, AssistantEngineer - Faye Dolle, AssistantEngineer - Luie Stylianou, Orchestral Engineer - Cecilia Rydinger, Choir Arranger, Choir Conductor - Stacy Watton, Double Bass - Choir Orphei Drängar, Choir

© 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. ℗ 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Peter Gabriel Ltd

And Still (Bright-Side Mix)

Louisa Fuller, Violin - John Metcalfe, Arranger, Orchestral Conductor - Lewis Jones, Orchestral Engineer - Richard Chappell, Programming, PreProduction - Richard George, Violin - Clare Hayes, Violin - Martin Burgess, Violin - Eliza Marshall, Flute - Fiona Bonds, Viola - Chris Worsey, Cello - Ian Burdge, Cello - Tracy Holloway, Tenor Trombone - Peter Gabriel, Composer, Producer, Arranger, Percussion, Piano, Lead Vocals, Background Vocals, Synthesizer, Programming, MainArtist - Everton Nelson, Violin, Orchestra Leader - Ian Humphries, Violin - Chris Laurence, Double Bass - Richard Henry, Bass Trombone - Mark 'Spike' Stent, Mixer - Tony Levin, Bass - Peter Lale, Viola - Andy Wood, Tenor Trombone - David Rhodes, Electric Guitar - Caroline Dale, Cello - Cathy Thompson, Violin - Bruce White, Viola - Chris Allan, Cello - Lucy Shaw, Double Bass - Marianne Haynes, Violin - Rachel Roberts, Viola - David Pyatt, French Horn - William Schofield, Cello - Matt Colton, Masterer - Dave Foster, Music Supervisor - Debbie Widdup, Violin - Natalia Bonner, Violin - Lucy Whalley, Contractor - Tony Woollard, Cello - Charles Mutter, Violin - Richard Bissil, French Horn - Katie May, Engineer - Susie Gillis, Contractor - David Powell, Tuba - Oli Jacobs, Engineer - Odile Ollagnon, Violin - Megan Rooney, Performance - Tom Coath, Orchestral Engineer - Dom Shaw, AssistantEngineer - Faye Dolle, AssistantEngineer - Luie Stylianou, Orchestral Engineer - Stacy Watton, Double Bass

© 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. ℗ 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Peter Gabriel Ltd

Live and Let Live (Bright-Side Mix)

Louisa Fuller, Violin - John Metcalfe, Arranger, Orchestral Conductor - Lewis Jones, Orchestral Engineer - Richard Chappell, Programming, PreProduction - Richard George, Violin - Clare Hayes, Violin - Martin Burgess, Violin - Fiona Bonds, Viola - Chris Worsey, Cello - Ian Burdge, Cello - Peter Gabriel, Composer, Producer, Arranger, Piano, Tambourine, Lead Vocals, Background Vocals, Synthesizer, Programming, MainArtist - Everton Nelson, Violin, Orchestra Leader - Ian Humphries, Violin - Chris Laurence, Double Bass - Steve Gadd, Percussion - Mark 'Spike' Stent, Mixer - Tony Levin, Bass - Peter Lale, Viola - Brian Eno, Additional Synthesizer, Programming - David Rhodes, Electric Guitar, Background Vocals - Manu Katche, Drums - Nick Cave, Performance - Caroline Dale, Cello - Cathy Thompson, Violin - Bruce White, Viola - Chris Allan, Cello - Lucy Shaw, Double Bass - Marianne Haynes, Violin - Hans-martin Buff, Additional Percussion - Rachel Roberts, Viola - William Schofield, Cello - Matt Colton, Masterer - Dave Foster, Music Supervisor - Soweto Gospel Choir, Choir - Debbie Widdup, Violin - Natalia Bonner, Violin - Lucy Whalley, Contractor - Tony Woollard, Cello - Jacques Du plessis, VocalEngineer - Charles Mutter, Violin - Katie May, Engineer, Percussion - Susie Gillis, Contractor - Stefano Amerio, AssistantEngineer - Oli Jacobs, Engineer, Programming - Melanie Gabriel, Background Vocals - Odile Ollagnon, Violin - Vusimuzi Shabalala, Tenor Vocals - Zanele Ngwenya, Alto Vocals - Victor Makhathini, Tenor Vocals - Tom Coath, Orchestral Engineer - Xolani Ntombela, Tenor Vocals - Dom Shaw, Engineer - Faye Dolle, AssistantEngineer - Luie Stylianou, Orchestral Engineer - Linda Sambo, Soprano Vocals - Nobuhle Dhlamini, Soprano Vocals - Phello Jiyane, Soprano Vocals - Victoria Sithole, Soprano Vocals - Maserame Ndindwa, Alto Vocals - Phumla Nkhumeleni, Alto Vocals - Duduzile Ngomane, Alto Vocals - George Kaudi, Tenor Vocals - Thabang Mkhwanazi, Bass Vocals - Goodwill Modawu, Bass Vocals - Warren Mahlangu, Bass Vocals - Fanizile Nzuza, Bass Vocals - Bongani (Honey) Ncube, Choir Arranger, Musical Director - Stacy Watton, Double Bass - Paulo Fresu, Solo Trumpet

© 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. ℗ 2023 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Peter Gabriel Ltd


Panopticom (Dark-Side Mix)

Richard Chappell, Pre-Production Recording Engineer - Peter Gabriel, Composer, Producer, Lead Vocals, Background Vocals, Synthesizer, MainArtist - Tony Levin, Bass - Brian Eno, Bells, Synthesizer - David Rhodes, Electric Guitar, Background Vocals - Manu Katche, Drums - Katie May, Engineer, Acoustic Guitar - Ríoghnach Connolly, Background Vocals - Oli Jacobs, Engineer, Additional Synthesizer

© 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. ℗ 2023 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Peter Gabriel Ltd

The Court (Dark-Side Mix)

Louisa Fuller, Violin - John Metcalfe, Conductor, Arranger - Richard Chappell, Programming - Richard George, Violin - Martin Burgess, Violin - Eliza Marshall, Flute - Fiona Bonds, Viola - Tracy Holloway, Tenor Trombone - Peter Gabriel, Composer, Producer, Arranger, Piano, Lead Vocals, Background Vocals, Synthesizer, Programming, MainArtist - Everton Nelson, Violin, Orchestra Leader - Ian Humphries, Violin - Chris Laurence, Double Bass - Richard Henry, Bass Trombone - Tony Levin, Bass - Peter Lale, Viola - Andy Wood, Tenor Trombone - Brian Eno, Percussion, Synthesizer - David Rhodes, Electric Guitar, Background Vocals - Manu Katche, Drums - Cathy Thompson, Violin - Bruce White, Viola - Stacey Watton, Double Bass - Lucy Shaw, Double Bass - Marianne Haynes, Violin - Rachel Roberts, Viola - Andrew Crowley, Trumpet - Dave Foster, Supervisor - Debbie Widdup, Violin - Natalia Bonner, Violin - Lucy Whalley, Orchestral Contractor - Charles Mutter, Violin - Katie May, Percussion - Susie Gillis, Orchestral Contractor - David Powell, Tuba - Melanie Gabriel, Background Vocals - Odile Ollagnon, Violin - Claire Hayes, Violin

© 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. ℗ 2023 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Peter Gabriel Ltd

Playing For Time (Dark-Side Mix)

Louisa Fuller, Violin - John Metcalfe, Conductor - Richard George, Violin - Martin Burgess, Violin - Tom Cawley, Piano - Fiona Bonds, Viola - Chris Worsey, Cello - Ian Burdge, Cello - Tracy Holloway, Tenor Trombone - Peter Gabriel, Composer, Producer, Lead Vocals, Background Vocals, Synthesizer, MainArtist - Everton Nelson, Violin, Orchestra Leader - Ian Humphries, Violin - Richard Henry, Bass Trombone - Ed Shearmur, Arranger - Tony Levin, Bass - Peter Lale, Viola - Andy Wood, Euphonium, Tenor Trombone - Caroline Dale, Cello - Cathy Thompson, Violin - Bruce White, Viola - Chris Allan, Cello - Marianne Haynes, Violin - Rachel Roberts, Viola - David Pyatt, French Horn - William Schofield, Cello - Dave Foster, Supervisor - Debbie Widdup, Violin - Natalia Bonner, Violin - Lucy Whalley, Orchestral Contractor - Tony Woollard, Cello - Charles Mutter, Violin - Richard Bissil, French Horn - Katie May, Engineer - Susie Gillis, Orchestral Contractor - David Powell, Tuba - Oli Jacobs, Engineer, Synthesizer - Odile Ollagnon, Violin - Claire Hayes, Violin - Dom Shaw, AssistantEngineer - Faye Dolle, AssistantEngineer

© 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. ℗ 2023 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Peter Gabriel Ltd

i/o (Dark-Side Mix)

Richard Chappell, PreProduction - Peter Gabriel, Composer, Producer, Piano, Lead Vocals, Background Vocals, Synthesizer, Programming, MainArtist - Mark 'Spike' Stent, Mixer - Tony Levin, Bass - David Rhodes, Guitar, Whistle - Manu Katche, Drums - Matt Colton, Masterer - Soweto Gospel Choir, Choir - Jacques Du plessis, VocalEngineer - Katie May, Engineer, Guitar, Percussion, Synthesizer - Oli Jacobs, Engineer, Synthesizer, Programming - Vusimuzi Shabalala, Tenor Vocals - Zanele Ngwenya, Alto Vocals - Victor Makhathini, Tenor Vocals - Xolani Ntombela, Tenor Vocals - Dom Shaw, AssistantEngineer - Faye Dolle, AssistantEngineer - Linda Sambo, Soprano Vocals - Nobuhle Dhlamini, Soprano Vocals - Phello Jiyane, Soprano Vocals - Victoria Sithole, Soprano Vocals - Maserame Ndindwa, Alto Vocals - Phumla Nkhumeleni, Alto Vocals - Duduzile Ngomane, Alto Vocals - George Kaudi, Tenor Vocals - Thabang Mkhwanazi, Bass Vocals - Goodwill Modawu, Bass Vocals - Warren Mahlangu, Bass Vocals - Fanizile Nzuza, Bass Vocals - Bongani (Honey) Ncube, Vocal Director

© 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. ℗ 2023 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Peter Gabriel Ltd

Four Kinds of Horses (Dark-Side Mix)

Louisa Fuller, Violin - John Metcalfe, Conductor, Arranger - Lewis Jones, Orchestral Engineer - Richard George, Violin - Martin Burgess, Violin - Fiona Bonds, Viola - Chris Worsey, Cello - Ian Burdge, Cello - Tracy Holloway, Tenor Trombone - Peter Gabriel, Composer, Producer, Arranger, Percussion, Piano, Lead Vocals, Background Vocals, Synthesizer, Programming, MainArtist - Everton Nelson, Violin, Orchestra Leader - Ian Humphries, Violin - Chris Laurence, Double Bass - Richard Henry, Bass Trombone - Tony Levin, Bass - Peter Lale, Viola - Andy Wood, Tenor Trombone - Brian Eno, Additional Synthesizer - DICKIE CHAPPELL, Pre-Production Recording Engineer - David Rhodes, Guitar - Caroline Dale, Cello - Cathy Thompson, Violin - Bruce White, Viola - Chris Allan, Cello - Lucy Shaw, Double Bass - Tchad Blake, Mixer - Marianne Haynes, Violin - Rachel Roberts, Viola - David Pyatt, French Horn - William Schofield, Cello - Matt Colton, Masterer - Dave Foster, Supervisor - Debbie Widdup, Violin - Richard Russell, Producer, Programming - Natalia Bonner, Violin - Lucy Whalley, Orchestral Contractor - Tony Woollard, Cello - Charles Mutter, Violin - Katie May, Engineer, Programming - Susie Gillis, Orchestral Contractor - David Powell, Tuba - Oli Jacobs, Engineer, Piano, Synthesizer, Programming - Melanie Gabriel, Background Vocals - Odile Ollagnon, Violin - Claire Hayes, Violin - Tom Coath, Orchestral Engineer - Dom Shaw, AssistantEngineer - Faye Dolle, AssistantEngineer - Luie Stylianou, Orchestral Engineer - Cornelia Parker, Performance - Stacy Watton, Double Bass

© 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. ℗ 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Peter Gabriel Ltd

Road to Joy (Dark-Side Mix)

Louisa Fuller, Violin - John Metcalfe, Arranger, Orchestral Conductor - Lewis Jones, Orchestral Engineer - Richard Chappell, PreProduction - Richard George, Violin - Clare Hayes, Violin - Martin Burgess, Violin - Fiona Bonds, Viola - Chris Worsey, Cello - Ian Burdge, Cello - Peter Gabriel, Composer, Producer, Arranger, Piano, Lead Vocals, Background Vocals, Synthesizer, Programming, MainArtist - Everton Nelson, Violin, Orchestra Leader - Ian Humphries, Violin - Chris Laurence, Double Bass - Tony Levin, Bass - Peter Lale, Viola - Brian Eno, Producer, Guitar, Additional Synthesizer, Ukulele, Programming - David Rhodes, Electric Guitar, Background Vocals - Manu Katche, Drums - Caroline Dale, Cello - Cathy Thompson, Violin - Bruce White, Viola - Chris Allan, Cello - Lucy Shaw, Double Bass - Tchad Blake, Mixer - Marianne Haynes, Violin - Hans-martin Buff, Additional Percussion, Additional Synthesizer, Programming - Rachel Roberts, Viola - William Schofield, Cello - Matt Colton, Masterer - Dave Foster, Music Supervisor - Soweto Gospel Choir, Choir - Debbie Widdup, Violin - Natalia Bonner, Violin - Don E, Bass Keyboards - Lucy Whalley, Contractor - Tony Woollard, Cello - Jacques Du plessis, VocalEngineer - Josh Shpak, Trumpet - Charles Mutter, Violin - Katie May, Engineer, Acoustic Guitar, Additional Synthesizer - Susie Gillis, Contractor - Oli Jacobs, Engineer - Odile Ollagnon, Violin - Vusimuzi Shabalala, Tenor Vocals - Zanele Ngwenya, Alto Vocals - Ai Weiwei, Performance - Victor Makhathini, Tenor Vocals - Tom Coath, Orchestral Engineer - Xolani Ntombela, Tenor Vocals - Dom Shaw, Engineer - Faye Dolle, AssistantEngineer - Luie Stylianou, Orchestral Engineer - Linda Sambo, Soprano Vocals - Nobuhle Dhlamini, Soprano Vocals - Phello Jiyane, Soprano Vocals - Victoria Sithole, Soprano Vocals - Maserame Ndindwa, Alto Vocals - Phumla Nkhumeleni, Alto Vocals - Duduzile Ngomane, Alto Vocals - George Kaudi, Tenor Vocals - Thabang Mkhwanazi, Bass Vocals - Goodwill Modawu, Bass Vocals - Warren Mahlangu, Bass Vocals - Fanizile Nzuza, Bass Vocals - Bongani (Honey) Ncube, Musical Director - Stacy Watton, Double Bass

© 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. ℗ 2023 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Peter Gabriel Ltd

So Much (Dark-Side Mix)

Louisa Fuller, Violin - John Metcalfe, Arranger, Orchestral Conductor - Lewis Jones, Orchestral Engineer - Richard Chappell, PreProduction - Richard George, Violin - Clare Hayes, Violin - Martin Burgess, Violin - Fiona Bonds, Viola - Chris Worsey, Cello - Ian Burdge, Cello - Tracy Holloway, Tenor Trombone - Peter Gabriel, Composer, Lyricist, Producer, Arranger, Piano, Lead Vocals, Background Vocals, Synthesizer, MainArtist - Everton Nelson, Violin, Orchestra Leader - Ian Humphries, Violin - Chris Laurence, Double Bass - Richard Henry, Bass Trombone - Tony Levin, Bass - Peter Lale, Viola - Andy Wood, Euphonium - David Rhodes, Electric Guitar, 12 String Guitar - Manu Katche, Drums - Caroline Dale, Cello - Cathy Thompson, Violin - Bruce White, Viola - Chris Allan, Cello - Lucy Shaw, Double Bass - Tchad Blake, Mixer - Marianne Haynes, Violin - Rachel Roberts, Viola - David Pyatt, French Horn - Andrew Crowley, Trumpet - William Schofield, Cello - Matt Colton, Masterer - Dave Foster, Music Supervisor - Debbie Widdup, Violin - Natalia Bonner, Violin - Lucy Whalley, Contractor - Tony Woollard, Cello - Charles Mutter, Violin - Richard Bissil, French Horn - Katie May, Engineer - Susie Gillis, Contractor - David Powell, Tuba - Henry Hudson, Performance - Oli Jacobs, Engineer - Melanie Gabriel, Background Vocals - Odile Ollagnon, Violin - Tom Coath, Orchestral Engineer - Dom Shaw, AssistantEngineer - Faye Dolle, AssistantEngineer - Luie Stylianou, Orchestral Engineer - Stacy Watton, Double Bass

© 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. ℗ 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Peter Gabriel Ltd

Olive Tree (Dark-Side Mix)

Louisa Fuller, Violin - John Metcalfe, Arranger, Orchestral Conductor - Lewis Jones, Orchestral Engineer - Richard Chappell, Programming, PreProduction - Richard George, Violin - Clare Hayes, Violin - Martin Burgess, Violin - Fiona Bonds, Viola - Chris Worsey, Cello - Ian Burdge, Cello - Peter Gabriel, Composer, Producer, Arranger, Piano, Lead Vocals, Background Vocals, Synthesizer, Programming, MainArtist - Everton Nelson, Violin, Orchestra Leader - Ian Humphries, Violin - Chris Laurence, Double Bass - Richard Evans, Mandolin - Tony Levin, Bass - Peter Lale, Viola - David Rhodes, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, 12 String Guitar, Background Vocals - Manu Katche, Drums - Caroline Dale, Cello - Cathy Thompson, Violin - Bruce White, Viola - Chris Allan, Cello - Lucy Shaw, Double Bass - Tchad Blake, Mixer - Marianne Haynes, Violin - Rachel Roberts, Viola - William Schofield, Cello - Ged Lynch, Percussion - Matt Colton, Masterer - Dave Foster, Music Supervisor - Debbie Widdup, Violin - Natalia Bonner, Violin - Lucy Whalley, Contractor - Tony Woollard, Cello - Josh Shpak, Trumpet - Charles Mutter, Violin - Katie May, Engineer - Susie Gillis, Contractor - Oli Jacobs, Engineer - Evan Smith, Saxophone - Odile Ollagnon, Violin - Tom Coath, Orchestral Engineer - Dom Shaw, AssistantEngineer - Faye Dolle, AssistantEngineer - Luie Stylianou, Orchestral Engineer - Stacy Watton, Double Bass - Barthélémy Toguo, Performance

© 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. ℗ 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Peter Gabriel Ltd

Love Can Heal (Dark-Side Mix)

Richard Chappell, PreProduction - Peter Gabriel, Composer, Producer, Percussion, Piano, Lead Vocals, Background Vocals, Synthesizer, MainArtist - Tony Levin, Bass - David Rhodes, Guitar - Tchad Blake, Mixer - Ged Lynch, Percussion - Jennie Abrahamson, Background Vocals - Matt Colton, Masterer - Angie Pollock, Synthesizer - Linnea Olsson, Cello, Background Vocals - Katie May, Engineer, FX Guitar - Ríoghnach Connolly, Background Vocals - Oli Jacobs, Engineer - Melanie Gabriel, Background Vocals - Dom Shaw, AssistantEngineer - Faye Dolle, AssistantEngineer - Antony Micallef, Performance

© 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. ℗ 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Peter Gabriel Ltd

This Is Home (Dark-Side Mix)

Louisa Fuller, Violin - John Metcalfe, Arranger, Orchestral Conductor - Lewis Jones, Orchestral Engineer - Richard Chappell, PreProduction - Richard George, Violin - Clare Hayes, Violin - Martin Burgess, Violin - Fiona Bonds, Viola - Chris Worsey, Cello - Ian Burdge, Cello - Peter Gabriel, Composer, Producer, Arranger, Piano, Lead Vocals, Choir Arranger, Background Vocals, Synthesizer, Programming, MainArtist - Everton Nelson, Violin, Orchestra Leader - Ian Humphries, Violin - Chris Laurence, Double Bass - Tony Levin, Bass - Peter Lale, Viola - Brian Eno, Synthesizer - David Rhodes, Electric Guitar - Manu Katche, Drums - Caroline Dale, Cello - Cathy Thompson, Violin - Bruce White, Viola - Chris Allan, Cello - Lucy Shaw, Double Bass - Tchad Blake, Mixer - Marianne Haynes, Violin - Rachel Roberts, Viola - David Pyatt, French Horn - William Schofield, Cello - Matt Colton, Masterer - Dave Foster, Music Supervisor - David Moreno, Performance - Debbie Widdup, Violin - Natalia Bonner, Violin - Lucy Whalley, Contractor - Tony Woollard, Cello - Charles Mutter, Violin - Katie May, Engineer, Percussion - Susie Gillis, Contractor - Ríoghnach Connolly, Background Vocals - Oli Jacobs, Engineer, Guitar, Tambourine, Synthesizer, Programming - Odile Ollagnon, Violin - Oli Middleton, Percussion - Tom Coath, Orchestral Engineer - Erland von Heijne, VocalEngineer - Dom Shaw, Choir Arranger, AssistantEngineer - Faye Dolle, AssistantEngineer - Luie Stylianou, Orchestral Engineer - Cecilia Rydinger, Choir Arranger, Choir Conductor - Stacy Watton, Double Bass - Choir Orphei Drängar, Choir

© 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. ℗ 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Peter Gabriel Ltd

And Still (Dark-Side Mix)

Louisa Fuller, Violin - John Metcalfe, Arranger, Orchestral Conductor - Lewis Jones, Orchestral Engineer - Richard Chappell, Programming, PreProduction - Richard George, Violin - Clare Hayes, Violin - Martin Burgess, Violin - Eliza Marshall, Flute - Fiona Bonds, Viola - Chris Worsey, Cello - Ian Burdge, Cello - Tracy Holloway, Tenor Trombone - Peter Gabriel, Composer, Producer, Arranger, Percussion, Piano, Lead Vocals, Background Vocals, Synthesizer, Programming, MainArtist - Everton Nelson, Violin, Orchestra Leader - Ian Humphries, Violin - Chris Laurence, Double Bass - Richard Henry, Bass Trombone - Tony Levin, Bass - Peter Lale, Viola - Andy Wood, Tenor Trombone - David Rhodes, Electric Guitar - Caroline Dale, Cello - Cathy Thompson, Violin - Bruce White, Viola - Chris Allan, Cello - Lucy Shaw, Double Bass - Tchad Blake, Mixer - Marianne Haynes, Violin - Rachel Roberts, Viola - David Pyatt, French Horn - William Schofield, Cello - Matt Colton, Masterer - Dave Foster, Music Supervisor - Debbie Widdup, Violin - Natalia Bonner, Violin - Lucy Whalley, Contractor - Tony Woollard, Cello - Charles Mutter, Violin - Richard Bissil, French Horn - Katie May, Engineer - Susie Gillis, Contractor - David Powell, Tuba - Oli Jacobs, Engineer - Odile Ollagnon, Violin - Megan Rooney, Performance - Tom Coath, Orchestral Engineer - Dom Shaw, AssistantEngineer - Faye Dolle, AssistantEngineer - Luie Stylianou, Orchestral Engineer - Stacy Watton, Double Bass

© 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. ℗ 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Peter Gabriel Ltd

Live and Let Live (Dark-Side Mix)

Louisa Fuller, Violin - John Metcalfe, Arranger, Orchestral Conductor - Lewis Jones, Orchestral Engineer - Richard Chappell, Programming, PreProduction - Richard George, Violin - Clare Hayes, Violin - Martin Burgess, Violin - Fiona Bonds, Viola - Chris Worsey, Cello - Ian Burdge, Cello - Peter Gabriel, Composer, Producer, Arranger, Piano, Tambourine, Lead Vocals, Background Vocals, Synthesizer, Programming, MainArtist - Everton Nelson, Violin, Orchestra Leader - Ian Humphries, Violin - Chris Laurence, Double Bass - Steve Gadd, Percussion - Tony Levin, Bass - Peter Lale, Viola - Brian Eno, Additional Synthesizer, Programming - David Rhodes, Electric Guitar, Background Vocals - Manu Katche, Drums - Nick Cave, Performance - Caroline Dale, Cello - Cathy Thompson, Violin - Bruce White, Viola - Chris Allan, Cello - Lucy Shaw, Double Bass - Tchad Blake, Mixer - Marianne Haynes, Violin - Hans-martin Buff, Additional Percussion - Rachel Roberts, Viola - William Schofield, Cello - Matt Colton, Masterer - Dave Foster, Music Supervisor - Soweto Gospel Choir, Choir - Debbie Widdup, Violin - Natalia Bonner, Violin - Lucy Whalley, Contractor - Tony Woollard, Cello - Jacques Du plessis, VocalEngineer - Charles Mutter, Violin - Katie May, Engineer, Percussion - Susie Gillis, Contractor - Stefano Amerio, AssistantEngineer - Oli Jacobs, Engineer, Programming - Melanie Gabriel, Background Vocals - Odile Ollagnon, Violin - Vusimuzi Shabalala, Tenor Vocals - Zanele Ngwenya, Alto Vocals - Victor Makhathini, Tenor Vocals - Tom Coath, Orchestral Engineer - Xolani Ntombela, Tenor Vocals - Dom Shaw, Engineer - Faye Dolle, AssistantEngineer - Luie Stylianou, Orchestral Engineer - Linda Sambo, Soprano Vocals - Nobuhle Dhlamini, Soprano Vocals - Phello Jiyane, Soprano Vocals - Victoria Sithole, Soprano Vocals - Maserame Ndindwa, Alto Vocals - Phumla Nkhumeleni, Alto Vocals - Duduzile Ngomane, Alto Vocals - George Kaudi, Tenor Vocals - Thabang Mkhwanazi, Bass Vocals - Goodwill Modawu, Bass Vocals - Warren Mahlangu, Bass Vocals - Fanizile Nzuza, Bass Vocals - Bongani (Honey) Ncube, Choir Arranger, Musical Director - Stacy Watton, Double Bass - Paulo Fresu, Solo Trumpet, FeaturedArtist

© 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. ℗ 2023 2023 Peter Gabriel Ltd. The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Peter Gabriel Ltd

Album review

Peter Gabriel has been working on i/o—shorthand for input/output—for 20 years now, reworking and re-recording and workshopping songs on the road. The final result is a sprawling head trip: two albums of the same songs mixed differently by, Gabriel has said, "two of the world's best mix engineers." Spike Stent (Ed Sheeran, Björk, Madonna) handles the so-called "Bright Side" and Tchad Blake (Sheryl Crow, Fiona Apple, the Black Keys) is the "Dark Side." Comparing the two can feel like an Easter-egg hunt; choosing an overall favorite is hard and the best bet here may be to make a personal playlist combo.

Nowhere are the differences more clear, and interesting, than on "Road to Joy," a busy-orchestra treasure trove of quirky noise with a jubilant chorus. The bright version is a clear pop song, à la Gabriel's '80s output: David Rhodes' funk guitar is front and center and the horns are punchy. Blake's dark version is a weirder beast, casting the horns in a more strident role and leaning into the bass. The big, emotional title track—"Stuff coming out, stuff going in/ I'm just a part of everything"—also feels reminiscent of the singer's pop-glory days, as he hits the falsetto notes with a frenzy and the Soweto Gospel Choir adds a lush touch. Blake's "Dark Side" plays up the tumbling rhythm while Stent tweaks the strings to sound like sunburst. Sometimes, the difference is simple: bright "Olive Tree" is fuller and completely rounded; dark has more air and everything feels lower in the mix. For "The Court," Stent's version layers on extra percussion in the chorus, giving it an edgier feel, and Blake's has more solemnity. Both rely on a darkly moody orchestral arrangement to underscore the song's message of, Gabriel has said, "the struggle between order and chaos" in the justice system.

There is a running theme of connection on i/o; not just a longing for it in the world, but a true belief in its healing powers and possibility. Gabriel makes an argument for the good of everyone's cell phone being a witness on "Panopticom," which features muscular bass from Tony Levin and finds Brian Eno's spacey keyboards leavened by Katie May's warm acoustic guitar, particularly on the bright version. "In the air, the smoke cloud takes its form/ All the phones take pictures while it's warm/ Panopticom, let's find out what's going on," Gabriel sings of what he has described as the a call for the "creation of an infinitely expandable accessible data globe." There are more intimate moments, too, such as "Playing for Time," a Randy Newman-ish number exploring the blessing and curse of memory, and the stark but rich piano ballad "So Much." Gabriel, 73, sings of aging and mortality—and makes it clear he isn't done yet: "So much unfinished business/ All sticky with desire … As an old man, I was born/ But I've grown to be a baby/ With a halo and a horn." © Shelly Ridenour/Qobuz

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