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II Kiasmos

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It’s been 15 years since Kiasmos had the idea to hybridize minimalist techno with an instrumentarium referencing classical music. Kiasmos is a duo made up of Janus Rasmussen, DJ and producer originally from the Faroe Islands but currently based in Reykjavík, and all-terrain Icelandic musician Ólafur Arnalds, an avid explorer of sonic and technological innovation who’s become highly sought-after in the TV and film music industries. Joining forces only sporadically, the pair’s second album is released under the adventurous English label Erased Tapes a decade after the first, although they’ve also released a handful of maxi singles, including their latest, 2017’s Blurred, which contained the highly-acclaimed “Jarred.” 

The two musicians finally found the time to sit down during the now infamous dead season of 2020 - 2021, in a setting that could have been far worse: Ólafur Arnalds’ studio in Bali, where they spent a month recording the sounds of the forest, birds, crickets, and the gamelan, a local instrument. The theme of the album is “crying on the dance floor,” and the record is presented by its creators as “emotional rave.” Their method hasn’t changed much, with little electronic droplets that jitter about, expansive ghostly backdrops, and intertwined synths and strings played by a real string section, most often superposed onto breakbeats. Janus Rasmussen occasionally comes at us with absolute gems of percussion, like on “Spun,” whose patterns are as complex as they are catchy. Kiasmos are also inventive with the form they’ve chosen for their project, bringing it far beyond the bounds of melodic techno or electronica: it’s a dreamlike, multi-layered saga that will most definitely bring some people to tears on the dancefloor. © Smaël Bouaici/Qobuz    

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Ólafur Arnalds, Composer, Piano, Synthesizer, RecordingEngineer, StringArranger - Kiasmos, MainArtist - Janus Rasmussen, Composer, Synthesizer, RecordingEngineer - Karl Pestka, Viola - STYRMIR HAUKSSON, MixingEngineer - Sigurgeir Agnarsson, Viola - Viktor Orri Arnason, Violin - Zino Mikorey, MasteringEngineer - Sigrún Harðardóttir, Violin - Hafsteinn Þráinsson, RecordingEngineer - Studio Torsten Posselt, Artwork - Peadar Ó Goill, CreativeDirector

2024 Erased Tapes Records Ltd. 2024 Erased Tapes Records Ltd.


Julia Mogensen, Cello - Þórunn Ósk Marinósdóttir, Viola - Zbigniew Dubik, FirstViolin - Ólafur Arnalds, Composer, Piano, Synthesizer, RecordingEngineer, StringArranger - Kiasmos, MainArtist - Janus Rasmussen, Composer, Synthesizer, RecordingEngineer - STYRMIR HAUKSSON, MixingEngineer - Sigurgeir Agnarsson, Cello - Bryndis Halla Gylfadottir, Cello - Sigurlaug Eðvaldsdóttir, FirstViolin - Viktor Orri Arnason, Violin - Zino Mikorey, MasteringEngineer - Unnur Jonsdottir, Cello - Karl James Pestka, SecondViolin - Sigrún Harðardóttir, Violin - Hafsteinn Þráinsson, RecordingEngineer - Eyjólfur Bjarni Alfreðsson, Viola - Guðbjartur Hákonarson, FirstViolin - Ásdís Arnardóttir, Cello - Ásta Kristín Pjetursdóttir, Viola - Ólöf Þorvarðardóttir, FirstViolin - Kristján Matthíasson, SecondViolin - Studio Torsten Posselt, Artwork - Íris Dögg Gísladóttir, SecondViolin - Geirþrúður Ása Guðjónsdóttir, FirstViolin - Margrét Þorsteinsdóttir, SecondViolin - Maricn Lazarz, SecondViolin - Peadar Ó Goill, CreativeDirector

2024 Erased Tapes Records Ltd. 2024 Erased Tapes Records Ltd.


Ólafur Arnalds, Composer, Producer, Piano, Synthesizer, RecordingEngineer, StringArranger - Kiasmos, MainArtist - Janus Rasmussen, Composer, Producer, Synthesizer, RecordingEngineer - STYRMIR HAUKSSON, MixingEngineer - Zino Mikorey, MasteringEngineer - Unnur Jonsdottir, Cello - Hafsteinn Þráinsson, RecordingEngineer - Studio Torsten Posselt, Artwork - Peadar Ó Goill, CreativeDirector

2024 Erased Tapes Records Ltd. 2024 Erased Tapes Records Ltd.


Ólafur Arnalds, Composer, Producer, Piano, Synthesizer, RecordingEngineer, StringArranger - Kiasmos, MainArtist - Janus Rasmussen, Composer, Producer, Synthesizer, RecordingEngineer - Karl Pestka, Viola - STYRMIR HAUKSSON, MixingEngineer - Sigurgeir Agnarsson, Viola - Viktor Orri Arnason, Violin - Zino Mikorey, MasteringEngineer - Sigrún Harðardóttir, Violin - Hafsteinn Þráinsson, RecordingEngineer - Studio Torsten Posselt, Artwork - Peadar Ó Goill, CreativeDirector

2024 Erased Tapes Records Ltd. 2024 Erased Tapes Records Ltd.


Julia Mogensen, Cello - Þórunn Ósk Marinósdóttir, Viola - Zbigniew Dubik, FirstViolin - Ólafur Arnalds, Composer, Producer, Piano, Synthesizer, RecordingEngineer, StringArranger - Kiasmos, MainArtist - Janus Rasmussen, Composer, Producer, Synthesizer, RecordingEngineer - STYRMIR HAUKSSON, MixingEngineer - Sigurgeir Agnarsson, Cello - Bryndis Halla Gylfadottir, Cello - Sigurlaug Eðvaldsdóttir, FirstViolin - Zino Mikorey, MasteringEngineer - Unnur Jonsdottir, Cello - Karl James Pestka, SecondViolin - Hafsteinn Þráinsson, RecordingEngineer - Eyjólfur Bjarni Alfreðsson, Viola - Guðbjartur Hákonarson, FirstViolin - Ásdís Arnardóttir, Cello - Ásta Kristín Pjetursdóttir, Viola - Ólöf Þorvarðardóttir, FirstViolin - Kristján Matthíasson, SecondViolin - Studio Torsten Posselt, Artwork - Íris Dögg Gísladóttir, SecondViolin - Geirþrúður Ása Guðjónsdóttir, FirstViolin - Margrét Þorsteinsdóttir, SecondViolin - Maricn Lazarz, SecondViolin - Peadar Ó Goill, CreativeDirector

2024 Erased Tapes Records Ltd. 2024 Erased Tapes Records Ltd.


Julia Mogensen, Cello - Þórunn Ósk Marinósdóttir, Viola - Zbigniew Dubik, FirstViolin - Ólafur Arnalds, Composer, Piano, Synthesizer, RecordingEngineer, StringArranger - Kiasmos, MainArtist - Janus Rasmussen, Composer, Synthesizer, RecordingEngineer - STYRMIR HAUKSSON, MixingEngineer - Sigurgeir Agnarsson, Cello - Bryndis Halla Gylfadottir, Cello - Sigurlaug Eðvaldsdóttir, FirstViolin - Viktor Orri Arnason, Violin - Zino Mikorey, MasteringEngineer - Karl James Pestka, SecondViolin - Sigrún Harðardóttir, Violin - Hafsteinn Þráinsson, RecordingEngineer - Eyjólfur Bjarni Alfreðsson, Viola - Guðbjartur Hákonarson, FirstViolin - Ásdís Arnardóttir, Cello - Ásta Kristín Pjetursdóttir, Viola - Ólöf Þorvarðardóttir, FirstViolin - Kristján Matthíasson, SecondViolin - Studio Torsten Posselt, Artwork - Íris Dögg Gísladóttir, SecondViolin - Geirþrúður Ása Guðjónsdóttir, FirstViolin - Margrét Þorsteinsdóttir, SecondViolin - Maricn Lazarz, SecondViolin - Peadar Ó Goill, CreativeDirector

2024 Erased Tapes Records Ltd. 2024 Erased Tapes Records Ltd.


Ólafur Arnalds, Composer, Producer, Piano, Synthesizer, RecordingEngineer, StringArranger - Kiasmos, MainArtist - Janus Rasmussen, Composer, Producer, Synthesizer, RecordingEngineer - STYRMIR HAUKSSON, MixingEngineer - Viktor Orri Arnason, Violin - Zino Mikorey, MasteringEngineer - Unnur Jonsdottir, Cello - Sigrún Harðardóttir, Violin - Hafsteinn Þráinsson, RecordingEngineer - Ásta Kristín Pjetursdóttir, Viola - Studio Torsten Posselt, Artwork - Peadar Ó Goill, CreativeDirector

2024 Erased Tapes Records Ltd. 2024 Erased Tapes Records Ltd.


Ólafur Arnalds, Composer, Producer, Piano, Synthesizer, RecordingEngineer, StringArranger - Kiasmos, MainArtist - Janus Rasmussen, Composer, Producer, Synthesizer, RecordingEngineer - STYRMIR HAUKSSON, MixingEngineer - Viktor Orri Arnason, Violin - Zino Mikorey, MasteringEngineer - Unnur Jonsdottir, Cello - Sigrún Harðardóttir, Violin - Hafsteinn Þráinsson, RecordingEngineer - Ásta Kristín Pjetursdóttir, Viola - Studio Torsten Posselt, Artwork - Peadar Ó Goill, CreativeDirector

2024 Erased Tapes Records Ltd. 2024 Erased Tapes Records Ltd.


Julia Mogensen, Cello - Þórunn Ósk Marinósdóttir, Viola - Zbigniew Dubik, FirstViolin - Ólafur Arnalds, Composer, Piano, Synthesizer, RecordingEngineer, StringArranger - Kiasmos, MainArtist - Janus Rasmussen, Composer, Synthesizer, RecordingEngineer - Karl Pestka, Viola - STYRMIR HAUKSSON, MixingEngineer - Sigurgeir Agnarsson, Cello - Bryndis Halla Gylfadottir, Cello - Sigurlaug Eðvaldsdóttir, FirstViolin - Viktor Orri Arnason, Violin - Zino Mikorey, MasteringEngineer - Karl James Pestka, SecondViolin - Sigrún Harðardóttir, Violin - Hafsteinn Þráinsson, RecordingEngineer - Eyjólfur Bjarni Alfreðsson, Viola - Guðbjartur Hákonarson, FirstViolin - Ásdís Arnardóttir, Cello - Ásta Kristín Pjetursdóttir, Viola - Ólöf Þorvarðardóttir, FirstViolin - Kristján Matthíasson, SecondViolin - Studio Torsten Posselt, Artwork - Íris Dögg Gísladóttir, SecondViolin - Geirþrúður Ása Guðjónsdóttir, FirstViolin - Margrét Þorsteinsdóttir, SecondViolin - Maricn Lazarz, SecondViolin - Peadar Ó Goill, CreativeDirector

2024 Erased Tapes Records Ltd. 2024 Erased Tapes Records Ltd.


Ólafur Arnalds, Composer, Producer, Piano, Synthesizer, RecordingEngineer, StringArranger - Kiasmos, MainArtist - Janus Rasmussen, Composer, Producer, Synthesizer, RecordingEngineer - STYRMIR HAUKSSON, MixingEngineer - Viktor Orri Arnason, Violin - Zino Mikorey, MasteringEngineer - Unnur Jonsdottir, Cello - Sigrún Harðardóttir, Violin - Hafsteinn Þráinsson, RecordingEngineer - Ásta Kristín Pjetursdóttir, Viola - Studio Torsten Posselt, Artwork - Peadar Ó Goill, CreativeDirector

2024 Erased Tapes Records Ltd. 2024 Erased Tapes Records Ltd.


Ólafur Arnalds, Composer, Producer, Piano, Synthesizer, RecordingEngineer, StringArranger - Kiasmos, MainArtist - Janus Rasmussen, Composer, Producer, Synthesizer, RecordingEngineer - Karl Pestka, Viola - STYRMIR HAUKSSON, MixingEngineer - Sigurgeir Agnarsson, Cello - Viktor Orri Arnason, Violin - Zino Mikorey, MasteringEngineer - Sigrún Harðardóttir, Violin - Hafsteinn Þráinsson, RecordingEngineer - Studio Torsten Posselt, Artwork - Peadar Ó Goill, CreativeDirector

2024 Erased Tapes Records Ltd. 2024 Erased Tapes Records Ltd.

Album review

It’s been 15 years since Kiasmos had the idea to hybridize minimalist techno with an instrumentarium referencing classical music. Kiasmos is a duo made up of Janus Rasmussen, DJ and producer originally from the Faroe Islands but currently based in Reykjavík, and all-terrain Icelandic musician Ólafur Arnalds, an avid explorer of sonic and technological innovation who’s become highly sought-after in the TV and film music industries. Joining forces only sporadically, the pair’s second album is released under the adventurous English label Erased Tapes a decade after the first, although they’ve also released a handful of maxi singles, including their latest, 2017’s Blurred, which contained the highly-acclaimed “Jarred.” 

The two musicians finally found the time to sit down during the now infamous dead season of 2020 - 2021, in a setting that could have been far worse: Ólafur Arnalds’ studio in Bali, where they spent a month recording the sounds of the forest, birds, crickets, and the gamelan, a local instrument. The theme of the album is “crying on the dance floor,” and the record is presented by its creators as “emotional rave.” Their method hasn’t changed much, with little electronic droplets that jitter about, expansive ghostly backdrops, and intertwined synths and strings played by a real string section, most often superposed onto breakbeats. Janus Rasmussen occasionally comes at us with absolute gems of percussion, like on “Spun,” whose patterns are as complex as they are catchy. Kiasmos are also inventive with the form they’ve chosen for their project, bringing it far beyond the bounds of melodic techno or electronica: it’s a dreamlike, multi-layered saga that will most definitely bring some people to tears on the dancefloor. © Smaël Bouaici/Qobuz    

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